Design and customize your ActiveCampaign form

ActiveCampaign plans

With ActiveCampaign, you can customize forms to match your brand's colors, add images, change the font, and more.

Watch a video

Watch this video to learn how to create and customize your form. 

Access form customization options

A form's customization options are located under the "Style" tab in the form builder.

To access this tab for any form:

  1. Click Website > Forms on the left menu. 
  2. Edit or create a new form
  3. The form builder will load. All editing and style options will appear in the right pane. Click the "Style" tab located on the right pane.


Customize an inline form

With the inline form, you can choose a layout and customize the styling for the form and submit button.


The "General" dropdown lets you customize how the form will appear to your website visitors. Below is a table displaying all form style options. 

General Customization Options Description
Layout Click either option to choose a horizontal or vertical layout for your form.
Max Width Use this option to adjust the width of your form. Width is set as a pixel value. 
Background Change the background color of your form or make it transparent.

This form type does not support background images. 
Borders Use this option to add a border to your form. Borders are set as a pixel value. You can increase or decrease the border, change the border color, and select from four border types: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, and Double. 
Corners Use this option to make the corners of your form rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Show ActiveCampaign Branding Use this option to turn ActiveCampaign branding on or off.



The “Text” box lets you customize the look of your form’s text. Below is a table displaying all text customization options.

Text Customization Options Description
Font You can choose from around 1,500 fonts on your form so that it matches your brand. The font selected here will apply to the Header block, HTML Code block, fields, and button.

The Header will initially appear at the top of your form. You can adjust the following for this block:

  • Color
  • Text size
  • Styling (Bold*, Italics, Underline)

*The ability to bold text will depend on the font selected.

Paragraph (HTML Code)

This block initially appears below the Header and acts as “Paragraph” text on your form. You can adjust the following for this block:

  • Color (this will also change the color of Field Headers)
  • Text size
  • Styling (Bold*, Italics, Underline)

*The ability to bold text will depend on the font selected.



The "Button" box lets you customize the look of your form's submit button. Below is a table displaying all button customization options. 

Button Customization Options Description
Background Change the background color of the "Submit" button. 
Text Change the color of the button text. 
Border Use this option to add a border to your button. Borders are set as a pixel value. You can increase or decrease the border, change the border color, and select from four border types: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, and Double. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your button rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Padding Padding is the space around your button. You can use this option to increase or decrease the padding. This is set as a pixel value. 


Note that you will not be able to adjust the button's height or width here. You will need to use custom CSS in order to make these adjustments.

Customize a modal pop-up form

With the modal pop-up form, you can choose a layout and customize the styling for the form, input fields, and submit button.


There are four options you can choose from for your form: no image, image on the left, image at the top, or image in the middle.


Modal Style

The "Modal Style" box lets you customize how the form will appear to your website visitors. Below is a table displaying all modal customization options: 

Modal Style Customization Options Description
Background Click the color picker to change the color of your form or add a background image.
Background Click the color picker to change the color of your form or add a background image.
Font Change the font type on the form to match your brand. 
Width Use this option to adjust the width of your form. Width is set as a pixel value.
Padding Padding is the space around your form. You can use this option to increase or decrease padding. This is set as a pixel value.
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your form rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value.
Shadow Use this to add a shadow to your form. Doing so will help it stand out. You can choose from the following options: None, Light, Medium, and Heavy.



Inputs refer to the fields that website visitors will use to submit their personal information to you. Input customization options include:

Input Customization Options Description
Background Click the color picker to change the color of the input fields.
Font Color Click the color picker to change the color of the input field text. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of input fields rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value.



The "Button" box lets you customize the look of your form's submit button. Button customization options include:

Button Customization Options Description
Background Change the background color of the submit button. 
Text Change the color of the button text. 
Border Use this option to add a border to your button. Borders are set as a pixel value. You can increase or decrease the border, change the border color, and select from four different border types: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, and Double. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your button rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Padding Use this option to adjust the padding of your button. Padding is set as a pixel value. 


Note that you will not be able to adjust the button's height or width here. You will need to use custom CSS in order to make these adjustments.

Customize a floating box form

With the floating box form, you can choose a layout and customize the styling for the form, input fields, and submit button.


There are four options you can choose from for your form: no image, image on the left, image at the top, or image in the middle.


Box Style

The "Form Style" box lets you customize how the form will appear to your website visitors. Form style customization options include:

Box Style Customization Options Description
Background Click the color picker to change the color of your form or add a background image.
Font Color Change the color of the text that appears on your form.
Font Change the font type on the form to match your brand. 
Width Use this option to adjust the width of your form. Width is set as a pixel value. 
Padding Padding is the space around your form. You can use this option to increase or decrease padding. This is set as a pixel value. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your form rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Shadow Use this to add a shadow to your form. Doing so will help it stand out. You can choose from the following options: None, Light, Medium, and Heavy. 



Inputs refer to the fields that website visitors will use to submit their personal information to you. Input customization options include:

Input Customization Options Description
Background Click the color picker to change the color of the input fields.
Font Color Click the color picker to change the color of the input field text. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of input fields rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value.



The "Button" box lets you customize the look of your form's submit button. Button customization options include:

Button Customization Options Description
Background Change the background color of the submit button. 
Text Change the color of the button text. 
Border Use this option to add a border to your button. Borders are set as a pixel value. You can increase or decrease the border, change the border color, and select from four different border types: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, and Double. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your button rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Padding Use this option to adjust the padding of your button. Padding is set as a pixel value. 


Note that you will not be able to adjust the button's height or width here. You will need to use custom CSS in order to make these adjustments.

Customize a floating bar form

With the floating bar form, you can customize the form style and submit button. Layout options are not available with this form type.

Bar Style

The "Bar Style" box lets you customize how the form will appear to your website visitors. Bar style customization options include:

Bar Style Customization Options Description
Background Change the background color of your form.

Background images are not supported by this form type.
Font Color Change the color of the text that appears on your form.
Font Change the font type on the form to match your brand. 



The "Button" box lets you customize the look of your form's submit button. Button customization options include:

Button Customization Options Description
Background Change the background color of the submit button. 
Text Change the color of the button text. 
Border Use this option to add a border to your button. Borders are set as a pixel value. You can increase or decrease the border, change the border color, and select from four different border types: Solid, Dotted, Dashed, and Double. 
Corner Radius Use this option to make the corners of your button rounded or square. The corner radius is set as a pixel value. 
Padding Use this option to adjust the padding of your button. Padding is set as a pixel value. 


Note that you will not be able to adjust the button's height or width here. You will need to use custom CSS in order to make these adjustments.

Change the "Submit" button text

You can change the text of the "Submit" button for any form.

  1. From the Forms page, click the "Edit design" button for the form you wish to update.
  2. Click the "Submit" button in the form builder.
  3. The right menu will display the button label and a field. Type the text you wish to use for the button.


The new button text will save automatically.

Advanced customization

Each form type in ActiveCampaign has a custom CSS option available. This is for advanced users who are familiar with CSS and are comfortable with using it. The custom CSS option is located under the "Style" tab for each form and can be used to add further modifications to any form element. For example, you can use this option to:

  • Adjust the width and height of input fields
  • Adjust the width and height of the submit button
  • Adjust font size
  • Adjust the font type for singular elements. For example, you can use this to make the button text font different from the rest of the form

If you want to learn more about using CSS, see this CSS Tutorial from

To use the custom CSS option:

  1. From the Form Builder, click the "Style" tab.
  2. Scroll down until you see the "Custom CSS" box.
  3. Click the "Inspector" button then click the form element you wish to modify.
  4. Once you click the element you wish to customize, it will appear in the "Custom CSS" box. Type the CSS into this box.

The CSS you add to the form element will save automatically.

Turn off ActiveCampaign branding

If you are on a Plus, Professional, or Enterprise plan, you can remove ActiveCampaign branding from your form. Lite plan users are not able to switch off branding.

To turn off ActiveCampaign branding:

  1. From the Form Builder, click the "Style" tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the "General" section.
  3. Click the AC branding toggle to set it to the "Off" position.

This setting will save automatically.

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