How do I view and update my billing information?

ActiveCampaign plans



If you are the Primary Account Admin, you can access the Billing & Upgrade page to update your billing information. Changing your billing information is easy and can be done at any time during your billing cycle.

The Primary Account Admin is also the account owner. This user role can access/update billing information, upgrade or downgrade the account, submit account name change requests, and more. While each account can have multiple users in the Admin User Group, there can only be one Primary Account Admin.

To view or update your billing information:

1. Click your name on the bottom left of your screen.

2. Click the "Billing & Upgrade" option in the modal window.

3. Click the "Edit" option to the right of your payment method at the top right corner of the page.

4. Enter your updated billing information into the modal form.

5. Click the "Update" button.

Here is a video showing you where you access your billing information.

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