Turning an Infusionsoft Campaign into an ActiveCampaign Automation

ActiveCampaign plans

When migrating from Infusionsoft, you may have campaigns that you need to recreate in ActiveCampaign as automations. Since both platforms are different, this can at first seem challenging. In this article, we will:

Here is a brief overview of the terminology used in Infusionsoft and how it’s translated into ActiveCampaign:





Campaign or Sequence


Date Timer

Wait Condition

Decision Diamond


Delay Timer

Wait Condition

Field Timer

Wait Condition

Landing Pages

Doesn't exist

Merge Fields

Personalization Tags



Saved Search


Start Goal


Stop Sequence/Goal


Web Forms


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Triggering automations in ActiveCampaign
As you move your Infusionsoft campaign into an ActiveCampaign automation, it’s important to note that in Infusionsoft, contacts can only be added to a campaign by achieving a goal you set. In ActiveCampaign, you can start an automation by choosing from any one of the 23 triggers or even use an automation action to add a contact to another automation.

Here is a graphic of our automation triggers:


Here is a graphic of the "Enter automation" action:


For more in-depth information about automation start triggers, check out this guide.

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Turning an Infusionsoft Campaign into an ActiveCampaign Automation

Campaigns in Infusionsoft move from left to right. Below is an example of an Infusionsoft Campaign that we’ll later turn into two automations:


The campaign starts when a contact completes a goal: either they are tagged or they submit a form. Then they enter an “automation sequence”:


In this sequence, they are sent two emails. Upon receiving the second email, they wait one day before moving to the “Email Link Clicked” step. Contacts will remain in that link click step until they click on a link from either campaign and move on to the Decision Diamond. From the diamond, they move into both the Sales Pitch Sequence and the Long Term Nurture Sequence at the same time.

Now let’s see how this would look in ActiveCampaign.

Automations in ActiveCampaign move from top to bottom. In addition, you can add an “add to other automation” action step in one automation which will add the contact to a second automation. They will then proceed through both automations at the same time, much like the two sequences at the end of the campaign we discussed above. Since it’s not possible to “split” a contact’s path so that they move into two different branches at the same time in the same automation, we’ll need to turn this Infusionsoft Campaign into two automations and add that “add to other automation” step to connect the two.

Before we move on to creating the automations, it may be easier to visualize the Infusionsoft campaign like so:


Let’s create the first automation. If you need guidance on getting started with automations, please see this help document.

This is how we would build the first automation based on that campaign:


The contact can enter this automation two ways: by a tag being applied to them or by them submitting a form. These two triggers are independent of each other, meaning the same contact can enter through both triggers and will have two separate entries in your automation.

Once they enter the automation, they will be sent the first email, wait 1 day, will be sent a second email, and then wait for one day. These are the same steps in the first sequence in the campaign. You can think of these as being unpacked from a box (ie, sequence) and out on display in an automation.

After the second wait is a Goal step. If you click into the goal, you’ll see this:


This goal is looking for a link click action from either email, much like the email link click check in the Infusionsoft campaign. It’s important to note that a contact can reach a goal step in one of two ways: they can either jump right to it if they meet the conditions, skipping all other steps in between, or they can proceed to it naturally like they would any other automation step.

Once they meet the Goal conditions, they will proceed to the “Enter automation” step. This step will add them to an automation called “Long Term Nurture,” which contains the same steps that are in the Long Term Nurture sequence in the Infusionsoft campaign.

Here is a snapshot of that second automation that we’re adding contacts to with that “Enter automation” step:

Once the contact proceeds through the “Enter automation” step, they will move to the next step in their current automation, which follows the same flow as the “Sales Pitch” sequence:


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