[Video] How do I create a multi-page form?

ActiveCampaign plans




With ActiveCampaign, you can create multi-page forms. These forms can help you collect more information from contacts and leads.

Take note

This set up requires you to make at least two forms in your ActiveCampaign account. Each form is equal to one page. In the example below, we'll show you how to make a multi-page form using two forms. This will result in two pages of form data that contacts will need to complete.

The first form can be any form type (Lite customers are limited to inline forms only) and is generally used to collect only the name and email address of the contact. The second form must be an inline form and can be used to collect more detailed information, such as birthdate, product interest, and more. The email address field is required in both forms.

Once you create the two forms, you'll need to link them together. This is done by adding the second form's publish link to the first form's "Submit" action. That way, when the contact submits the first form they will be directed to the second form automatically. This will create a seamless experience for your contacts.

The "Email Address" field will be added to each form you create. This field is required and cannot be removed.

How to create a multi-page form

1. Create two separate forms in your ActiveCampaign account. 

Again, the first form can be any form type you wish to use. The second form must be an inline form. Inline forms can collect additional data for custom contact fields while other form types cannot.

Learn more about the types of forms you can create with ActiveCampaign.

2. Locate and copy the publish URL for the second form. 

  • From the Forms overview page, click the "Edit" button for the second form
  • Click the "Integrate" button on the top right of the page
  • Click the "Link" tab
  • Copy the link provided
  • Click the "Save and exit" button

3. Paste the form link into the first form's "Submit" action.

  • From the Forms overview page, click the "Edit" button for the first form
  • Click the "Options" tab on the right side of your screen
  • In the "On Submit" section, click the "Show Thank You" dropdown then click the "Open URL" option
  • Paste the publish link for the first form into the URL field provided

Auto-fill a contact's email address

As we stated before, the email address field is required on all forms you create in ActiveCampaign. When using a multi-page form, you can autofill a contact's email address on the second form. This will prevent the contact from having to type their email twice and prevent any submission errors.

To autofill a contact's email address on the second form:

1. Copy this URL parameter: ?email=%EMAIL%

2. From the Forms overview page, click the "Edit" button for the first form of your multi-page form.

3. Click the "Options" tab.

4. Paste the URL parameter, ?email=%EMAIL% , to the end of the URL in the URL field. Once you do, it should look similar to this:


And you’re done! We recommend testing this set up to ensure that your first form directs to your second form when submitted.

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