WhatsApp by Spoki integration FAQs

ActiveCampaign plans

Frequently asked questions about the WhatsApp by Spoki integration

What ActiveCampaign plan do I need to access the integration?

ActiveCampaign customers can access this integration on the following plans:

  • Marketing Lite, Plus, Professional, or Enterprise plans
  • Sales Plus, Professional, or Enterprise

How do I send outbound broadcast or marketing WhatsApp messages?

To send broadcast or marketing messages outbound to your customers, you will need to connect the integration from Automations. Following our setup guide: How to send outbound WhatsApp messages (1 to many) from ActiveCampaign’s automation?

How do I set up 2-way WhatsApp messaging in ActiveCampaign?

Following our setup guide: Connect WhatsApp by Spoki to ActiveCampaign

Frequently Asked Questions about Spoki

In what countries or regions is WhatsApp by Spoki available?

The WhatsApp by Spoki integration is available in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

Can I try Spoki for free?

To use Spoki, you need to request and approve a dedicated WhatsApp number. You need an activated platform and make a recharge to create test sends.

Are there any excluded types of commercial activities?

Please refer to the WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy.

Can I use my WhatsApp Business number?

You can use your WhatsApp Business number or provide us with a new phone number. In all cases, the number you provide us will be enabled to support WhatsApp's official API, and you will not be able to use that number on traditional WhatsApp Apps.

If you decide to use your WhatsApp number, you cannot use the WhatsApp Private and WhatsApp Business Apps to communicate with customers. All conversations opened on this number will follow the pricing provided during activation.

Can I contact people who do not have my contact in their address book?

To use WhatsApp by Spoki inside of ActiveCampaign, the recipient does not need to have your phone number in their address book. You need an existing contact record in ActiveCampaign with the phone field completed in e164 formatting (Example: +165022222233).

Can I contact anyone?

Spoki uses the WhatsApp Business API. With this API, you can contact all your contacts and ensure that messages arrive even if the recipient does not have your number saved in the address book.

WhatsApp is free. Why do I have to pay for individual messages with Spoki?

WhatsApp Business API is a channel that WhatsApp has chosen to offer for a fee, dedicated primarily to the corporate world, due to its power and performance. WhatsApp Business API overcomes the limitations of the WhatsApp Business App, allowing the channel to be used for business and marketing purposes.

How does Privacy work?

To send messages to your customers, update your privacy policy by adding the WhatsApp channel to the channels you already use today.

If the customer or prospect writes to me or responds to my Whatsapp message, do I pay?

The conversation is initialized when the message is sent to the customer. However, when the customer writes to the company, the conversation begins (and therefore the conversation cost will have to be supported) when the company responds to the customer's message.


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