How do I change my plan?

ActiveCampaign plans

If you are the Primary Account Admin, you can access the Billing & Upgrade page to change your plan.

Changing your plan is easy and can be done at any time during your billing cycle. We will not automatically upgrade or downgrade your plan as you approach your contact limit. 

Take Note

If you change your plan, you may lose access to features that are not available on your new plan. Review ActiveCampaign Plan Features to know what is available on your plan and plans you are considering.

To get to your billing page

  1. Click your name on the bottom left of your screen.
  2. A modal window will appear. Click "Billing & Upgrade."

Once on the billing page, you can adjust your contact limit, user seats, plan tier, plan product, and purchase add-ons.

To adjust your contact limit

  1. Click the "Edit" link next to your contact amount.
  2. In the Edit Contact Limit modal, move the contact slider left or right. Notice the prices on the right will also adjust.
  3. Click “Update contact limit” to confirm the change.
  4. Click “Confirm Purchase” to confirm the purchase and update your billing.

To update your user seats

  1. Click the "Edit" link next to your User Seat amount.
  2. In the "Manage User Seats" modal, click the plus or minus icons to change your User Seat
  3. amounts. Notice that the prices on the right will also adjust.
  4. Click “Continue” to confirm the changes.
  5. Click “Confirm Purchase” to confirm the purchase and update your billing.

Learn how to manage user seats.

To change your plan tier

  1. Click the plan tier of your choice.
  2. In the modal, click “Upgrade” to confirm the purchase and update your billing

To change your plan product

If you would like to upgrade from a Sales or Marketing plan to the Marketing and Sales Bundle:

  1. Scroll down and click the available add-on in the “Complete your bundle to unlock more functionality.”
  2. You will be redirected to a configuration screen where you can customize your plan tier, contact limit, user seats, and purchase add-ons.
  3. Once you’ve customized the plan to your preference, click “Update my plan.”
  4. A modal will show the prorated amount you will be charged today and the full price of the plan you will be charged moving forward.
  5. Click “Upgrade” to complete the purchase and return to your Billing and Upgrade page.

  Note that if you choose to upgrade your plan in the middle of your billing cycle, we’ll charge you a prorated fee for the remainder of your billing cycle. We will display any prorated charges and require you to confirm updates before changes are made to your plan and billing.

If you would like to downgrade your plan tier, remove an add-on, unbundle, or switch your plan product:

  1. Click the “Get in touch” link next to “Want to change your plan” on the top left of your Billing and Upgrade page.
  2. In the “Request Account Change” modal, fill out the available fields and click “Submit Request.” Once submitted, we will contact you via email to help make changes to your plan.

If you need assistance with downgrading, you can also submit a Help ticket using the email address associated with the Primary Account Admin.

To purchase add-ons

  1. Scroll down to “Available add-ons” at the bottom of the page.
  2. In your desired add-on option, click “Add to plan.”
  3. The “Review Purchase” modal will summarize changes to your billing.
  4. Click “Confirm purchase” to purchase the add-on.
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