How to save and reuse email content with Saved Modules

ActiveCampaign plans

With ActiveCampaign, you can save content to reuse in your campaigns with Saved Modules. Doing so saves you time, reduces duplicative work, and ensures consistency across your messaging. For example, if you have a footer or a styled button that you like to use in your campaigns, you can save it to avoid creating it from scratch for each new campaign.

This article will show you how to save modules using the Email Designer and how to save blocks using the Classic Designer.

Saved modules with the Email Designer

With the Email Designer, you can save containers, structures, and sections to your "Saved Modules" library. You can also edit and delete any saved modules you create and categorize them to make them easy to search.

Create a saved module

  1. Locate the campaign containing the content you wish to save and open it.
  2. From your email’s campaign designer, hover your mouse over the container, section, or structure you wish to save.
  3. Click the ellipsis, then click the “Save as module” option.


  4. The saved content will appear on the right panel under “Content” > “Saved Modules.” Here you can:
    • View and update the module name
    • View and update the module description
    • Coming Soon: Apply a category to the module. Categories include:
      • Popular
      • Preheaders
      • Headers
      • Banners
      • Blog Post
      • Set of Blog Posts
      • Product Card
      • Set of Product Cards
      • Signature
      • Footers
      • Other
  5. Add a tag to the module. Tags help you search for saved modules.
  6. Click the “Save” button when finished.

Your content will save and appear in the saved content library on the right panel under “Content” > “Saved Modules.”

You can drag this module to any direct campaign that uses the Email Designer.

Add a saved module to a campaign

  1. From the Email Designer, click “Content” > “Saved Modules” located on the right panel.
  2. Drag the saved module to your campaign layout.

Edit saved module attributes

Once you create a saved module, you can edit the following:

  • Module name
  • Module description
  • Category
  • Tags

To edit a saved module:

  1. From the email designer, click “Content” > “Saved Modules” located on the right panel.
  2. Click the module you wish to update.
  3. The right panel will display the saved module. Click the ellipsis that appears on the bottom right.
  4. Make edits to the saved module.
  5. Click the “Update” button.

Edit saved module content

Once you create a saved module, you can edit its content at any time. Once you do, you can choose to replace the original content with the new content or save it as a new module.

  1. Click the saved module within the designer that you wish to update.
  2. Make your updates.
  3. Hover over the ellipsis, then click the “Save as module” button.
  4. The right pane will show the previously saved module. Here you can:
    • Click “Update” to update the existing saved module, or
    • Click the chevron next to the “Update” button to save as a new module

Delete a saved module

Once you delete a saved module, you will no longer be able to use it with your campaigns. Deleting a saved module will not remove it from draft campaigns that already use this module.

  1. From the email designer, click “Content” > “Saved Modules” located on the right panel.
  2. Click the module you wish to delete.
  3. Click the ellipsis, then click the “Delete” option.
  4. A modal window will appear. Click the “Delete” button.

The saved module will be removed from your saved content library.

View saved module

There are a few different ways you can view saved content in your library: tile and list. To do so:

  1. From the campaign designer, click “Saved Modules.”
  2. Click either option to view your saved modules.

You can view saved modules by an assigned category or tag. To do so:

  1. From the campaign designer, click “Saved Modules.”
  2. Click the filter option.
  3. To view by category, click “Category” and then select the categories you want to view.
  4. To view by tag, click “Tag” and then select the tags you want to view.

Search for saved modules

You can use the search bar to locate saved modules by name, tag, or category. To do so:

  1. From the campaign designer, click “Saved Modules.”
  2. Click the search field.
  3. Enter the name, tag, or category.
  4. Hit "Enter" or "Return" on your keyboard.

Saved content with the Classic Designer

You can add content blocks to your Saved Blocks library with the Classic Designer. You can also edit the saved block name and delete any saved blocks you create.

Create a saved block

  1. Locate the campaign containing the content you wish to save.
  2. Open the campaign and navigate to the designer.
  3. Click the content block you want to save.
  4. Click the gear icon > "Save to content library."

  5. A modal window will appear. Type the name of the saved block into the field provided.
  6. Click “Save.”

Your block will save and appear on the right panel under Insert > Saved.


Add a saved block to a campaign

  1. From the campaign designer, click the “Saved” option.
  2. Drag the block to your campaign layout.

Update or delete a saved block

Once you create a saved block, you can edit its name or delete it. It is not possible to edit the contents of a saved block.

  1. From the campaign designer, click the “Saved” option
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. A modal window will appear.
    • To rename the saved block, type the new name in the space provided and click “Close”
    • To delete the block, click “Delete this item” > “OK”


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