How do I resend an opt-in confirmation email?

ActiveCampaign plans

If a contact does not open your confirmation email, you may wish to resend it so they have another opportunity to confirm their subscription. This should only be done once. If they haven’t confirmed their subscription after being given two opportunities, you should assume they aren’t interested in receiving your emails.  

Note that confirmation emails can only be sent to contacts one-at-a-time. There is no option to bulk send a confirmation email to a group of contacts.

To resend a confirmation email

1. Click “Contacts” in the left menu to view the Contacts Overview page.

2. Click “Filter by Status” to display filter options.

3. Click “Unconfirmed” to display contacts who have been sent a confirmation email but did not click it.

4. To the right of each contact, there is an “Email” button and a dropdown button. Click the dropdown button then click "Resend Opt-in." 

5. A confirmation message will appear with an option to cancel the action or to send the email. Click "Send" to re-send the opt-in email to your contact.

A second confirmation message will appear letting you know that the opt-in email has been resent.

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