Can I CC or BCC someone on my campaign sends?

ActiveCampaign plans

It is not possible to CC or BCC someone on a campaign. However, there are a few ways you can include these individuals on your campaign sends.

Send a copy of a campaign

You can send a copy of a campaign to an email address of your choice when that campaign is sent to a list. This option can be configured separately for each list you have in your account.

  1. Click Contacts > Lists on the left menu.
  2. Click the down caret for the list you want to use.
  3. Click the "Advanced Settings" option.
  4. Type the email address that should receive a copy of all campaigns sent to the list.
  5. Click "Save."

A copy of every campaign sent to the selected list will also be sent to the email address you provided. If you no longer wish for this email address to receive every campaign you send to this list, you can remove the email address in the “Advanced Settings” modal and click "Save."

Note that this option is specific to campaigns only and does not include automation emails.

Add the individuals to a separate list

The other way you can include individuals on a campaign send is to create a contact record for each individual and then add them to a list. For example, you can call this list "Internal Stakeholders." Then make sure to include this list when you send your campaign.

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