How to mark a Deal as Won or Lost

ActiveCampaign plans

As a best practice, we recommend updating the status of closed deals to Won or Lost. Only by changing the status of that deal does our software recognize that a deal is closed.

Correctly marking a deal as Won or Lost has a major impact on data available in the segment builder and in your Deals reports. These two parts of the platform are only as good and useful as the data made available to them.

In addition, updating the status of a deal is different from updating the stage that a deal is currently in—when you update the stage to a deal, you are only moving that deal to a different step in your sales process and the deal's status will remain Open.

Learn more about stages.

How to mark a Deal as Won or Lost from a Contact record

  1. Click Contacts on the left menu.
  2. Open the contact record containing the deal you wish to update.
  3. Click the "Deals" tab.
    Deals Tab in Contact Record.jpg
  4. Click the Deal Name you wish to mark as Won or Lost. This will open the Deal Record.
    Deal Name to click in Contact Record.jpg
  5. From the Deal Record, click the "Status" dropdown and click "Won" or "Lost."
    Deal Record Status Dropdown choices.jpg
  6. Click "Save Changes" to save your new status.
    Save changes button.jpg

How to mark a Deal as Won or Lost from a pipeline

To mark a deal as Won or Lost from a pipeline:

  1. Click Deals on the left menu. 
  2. Select the pipeline containing the deal you wish to update, then locate the deal.
    Select a pipeline.jpg
  3. To mark the Deal as Won, click the deal and drag it to the top left of the pipeline page.
    Drag top top left for Won.jpg
  4. To mark the Deal as Lost, click the deal and drag it to the top right of your pipeline page.
    Drag to top right for Lost.jpg


  1. Click the deal you wish to close.
  2. From the Deal Record, click the "Status" dropdown and click "Won" or "Lost."
    Deal Record Status Dropdown choices.jpg
  3. Click "Save Changes" to save your new status.
    Save changes button.jpg

How to mark a Deal as Won or Lost using an automation action

You can update the status of a deal to Won or Lost with an "Update Status" action in an automation.

  1. Click Automations on the left menu.
  2. Locate the automation you want to modify, then click "Edit."
    Edit button for automation changes.jpg
  3. Click the "CRM" option on the right, then drag the "Update a status" action to your automation.  
  4. A modal window will appear. Click the first dropdown, then click "Won." This will mark all deals as Won. To mark deals as Lost, click the "Lost" option from the dropdown instead. 
    Status dropdown options.jpg
  5. Click the "Affects" dropdown to select which deals should be marked as Won or Lost when contacts encounter this action in your automation.
    Affects dropdown options.jpg
  6. Click the "Pipeline" dropdown to select the pipeline that this action will affect.
    Pipeline dropdown options.jpg
  7. Click "Save."

Using third-party integrations to mark a Deal as Won or Lost

Some third-party integrations, such as Zapier, can also update the status of a deal to Won or Lost.

If you wish to use Zapier to update the status of a deal, make sure to use the "Update Deal" option for your ActiveCampaign action in Zapier:

Zapier Action ActiveCampaign Update a Deal.jpg

Then click the "Status" option on the "Edit Template" page in Zapier to mark deals as Won or Lost:

Update a Deal status option.jpg

Marking a Deal as Won or Lost with the API

You can use either of the following two API calls to update the status of a deal to Won or Lost. You would want to do this if you manage deals from your custom interface.

deal_edit API call

This uses our current API v1.

This API call will update a deal in your ActiveCampaign account. You would pass 1 to the status field to mark the deal as Won, or pass 2 to the status field to mark the deal as Lost.

Update a deal API

This uses our new API v3 that is currently in beta.

This API call will also update a deal in your ActiveCampaign account. You would pass 1 to the status field to mark the deal as Won, or pass 2 to the status field to mark the deal as Lost.

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