Each deal you create will have a primary contact assigned to it. The primary contact on a deal is the main individual you communicate with on an opportunity in your pipeline. If you would like a different primary contact on a deal, you can change the primary contact on an existing deal at any time.
- Click Deals to navigate to the Deals page.
- Use the search field to locate the deal you wish to update. You can type the name of the deal, email address of the contact on a deal, phone number, or account name to search for the deal.
- Click the deal to open the deal details page. The deal profile will appear. You can edit different fields separately or in bulk under the "General Details" section.
- Click the dropdown menu next to the "Primary Contact" field.
- Note that the person you want to make the "Primary Contact" must be added to the deal first. To add a contact to a deal, click the "Add a Contact" option. This option is in the "Contacts" widget on the right pane
- Click the name of the individual you wish to make the primary contact for the deal.
- Click the "Save" button when finished.