Sync contacts from ActiveCampaign to Nimble CRM

ActiveCampaign plans

You can add and update contacts from ActiveCampaign to Nimble CRM with an automation action.

Take note

  • This integration requires a Nimble account and access to automations in ActiveCampaign
  • You can connect more than one Nimble account to ActiveCampaign
  • Only contact fields from ActiveCampaign can be synced to Nimble. This includes standard contact fields and custom contact fields
  • Only contacts who reach the "Create and update contacts in Nimble" action in your automation will be added/updated in Nimble

How the Nimble app works

The Nimble app uses the "Create and update contacts in Nimble" automation action to sync contact information from ActiveCampaign to Nimble. Once you add this action to your automation, a prompt will walk you through the following connection and configuration steps:

  • Connect to a Nimble account
  • Map ActiveCampaign contact fields with fields in your Nimble account

As contacts pass through this action in your automation, mapped data will sync to Nimble in real-time.

Add and configure the "Create and update contacts in Nimble" action in your automation

  1. From your automation, click "CX Apps" in the right menu.
  2. Click the "Create and update contacts in Nimble" action and drag it to your automation.
  3. A dialog box will open. Click the "Connect" button.
  4. Provide the username and password for your Nimble account on the next screen and follow the rest of the instructions to complete the setup. 
  5. You will be directed back to your ActiveCampaign account. The dialog box will show an "Account Connected!" message. Click the "Continue" button.
  6. Click the "Field Groups" dropdown to select the field groups from Nimble. You can select more than one group. Contacts who pass through this automation action in ActiveCampaign will be assigned to the groups you select. 
  7. To select a group(s) click the "Field Groups" dropdown then click the group name. When finished, click the "Continue" button.
  8. For the next step, map contact fields in your ActiveCampaign account to fields in Nimble. Note that you are required to map the first name field in Nimble.
  9. You can map additional fields such as Last Name, Email, Phone Number, and any custom contact field. To do so, click "Add Field Mapping" then click the dropdowns to map the additional fields.
  10. Once you're done mapping fields, click the "Finish" button.

The action will be added to your automation in ActiveCampaign.

In addition, Nimble will appear on the "Connected Apps" in your ActiveCampaign account.

Disconnect your Nimble CRM account from ActiveCampaign

You can disconnect your Nimble account from ActiveCampaign. Once disconnected, you will no longer be able to sync contact information from ActiveCampaign to Nimble. No information will be lost in Nimble once the account is disconnected.

  1. Click "Apps" on the lower left menu.

Expanded view:
Apps on left menu expanded.jpeg

Collapsed view:
Apps on left menu collapsed.jpeg

  1. Click "Connected Apps."
  2. Click the "Nimble CRM" app.
  3. Click the "Disconnect" button.
  4. A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click the "Disconnect" button.

Your Nimble account will be disconnected from ActiveCampaign. A confirmation message will appear at the top of the Nimble CRM app page.

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