Connect ActiveCampaign to Microsoft Dynamics 365

ActiveCampaign plans


The ActiveCampaign to Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration provides a two-way sync between your ActiveCampaign account and your Microsoft Dynamics account.

Take note

  • This integration is configured in your Microsoft Dynamics account
  • You will need your ActiveCampaign API URL and Key to set up the integration
  • To set up and manage this application, users must be either a System Admin or have the ActiveCampaign Admin Security role applied to them in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The System Admin will do this via Advanced Settings > Security Settings
  • To access this application, users must have the ActiveCampaign User Security role applied to them in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The System Admin or the ActiveCampaign Security Admin will do this via the User Management Section or under Advanced Settings > Security
  • To access ActiveCampaign leads and contacts, users need access to Lead and Contact entities in Microsoft Dynamics 365. The System Admin can achieve this through a basic Sales User security or custom security role. Without access, users will not be able to see ActiveCampaign Leads or Contacts in Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • We'll start syncing Accounts information immediately if you update this app from version 1.24 to 1.25 or higher. If you do not want to sync accounts, click the accounts sync toggle to the "Off" position. This toggle is located in the Data Configuration section of the ActiveCampaign app setup in Microsoft Dynamics

What does the ActiveCampaign to Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration do?

This integration lets you:

  • Sync leads, contacts, and account information between both Microsoft Dynamics 365 and ActiveCampaign
  • Sync Opportunities from Microsoft Dynamics 365 to ActiveCampaign
  • View marketing activities in Microsoft Dynamics for each synced lead and contact
  • Add leads and contacts to automations right from the lead or contact record in Microsoft Dynamics
  • Send email campaigns to leads and contacts right from the lead or contact profile record in Microsoft Dynamics
  • If syncing opportunities, two new automation triggers will be available: "D365 Opportunity is created" and "D365 Opportunity is updated." With these triggers, you can further segment contacts who enter the automation by all fields synced from an opportunity or use the segment builder to create specific conditions using opportunity fields

Setup Step 1: Install the ActiveCampaign app

To install the ActiveCampaign app in Microsoft Dynamics:

  1. Log into your Microsoft Dynamics account.
  2. Go to AppSource in your Microsoft Dynamics account. Search for ActiveCampaign.
  3. Click the "Get it now" button.
  4. A modal window will appear. Complete the information in the modal and click the "Continue" button.
  5. Complete the rest of the steps to set up the ActiveCampaign app in your Microsoft Dynamics account.

Setup Step 2: Connect ActiveCampaign to Microsoft Dynamics

  1. From your Microsoft Dynamics account, navigate to the Dynamics environment you installed.
  2. From this environment, launch the Apps section and click the ActiveCampaign option.
  3. The ActiveCampaign dashboard will load. No data will be available here yet. Click the "Settings" option located under "Setup."
  4. Enter your ActiveCampaign API URL and Key into the fields provided.
  5. Click the "Connect" button.
  6. A confirmation window will appear. Click the "OK" button.

Your ActiveCampaign account is now connected to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Setup Step 3: User management

Now that your ActiveCampaign account is connected to Microsoft Dynamics, you can assign permissions. These permissions dictate which Microsoft Dynamics users can use the ActiveCampaign Sales Actions available with this integration.

Permissions are assigned on the "User Management" page. Click the "User Management" option on the top navigation menu.


To assign permissions:

  1. Click the "Add User" icon.
  2. Type the name of the user into the search field that appears. As you type, Microsoft Dynamics will suggest names. Click the user you wish to assign permissions to.
  3. Click the "Add" button.

Setup Step 4: Data configuration

Next, select the contact, lead, and account fields you want to sync. This is done on the "Data Configuration" page. Click "Data Configuration" on the top navigation menu to get there.

Some things to note on this page:

  • You need to map fields marked as "Required" in Microsoft Dynamics. If you do not, an error will appear on the page
  • Compatible field types will surface automatically when you map fields
  • It is not possible to map Deal fields in ActiveCampaign with fields in Microsoft Dynamics
  • You can turn off mapping for standard Contact and Lead fields, except the "Email" and "Account" fields, and remap them to custom fields

If you do not wish to sync fields for leads, contacts, or accounts, click the toggle to set it to the "Off" position.

Configure Leads mapping

  1. Click the "Leads" dropdown, then choose one of the following sync options:
    • All leads created or updated
      This sync option is the easiest way to sync all leads created or updated from this point forward. When a new lead is created or updated, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
    • All leads that match specific criteria
      You may want to use this option to sync leads that match your set criteria, such as leads from a specific source. If the lead matches your criteria, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
  2. If using "All leads created and updated":
    • Click the "Edit" button
    • Click the ActiveCampaign fields you wish to sync with Microsoft Dynamics. You can choose as many fields as you like
    • Click the "Add" button
    • Click each dropdown under the "Dynamics" column and click the Dynamics field you wish to map to
    • Click "Save Changes"
  3. If using "All leads that match certain criteria":
    • Select the field you want to use to segment your contacts
    • Choose the operator
    • Enter a value for the field
    • Click the "Add" button
    • A second segmenting option will appear. You can use this if you want to narrow your criteria more. If you don't want to narrow your criteria, click the trash icon
    • To select and map custom fields, follow each item listed in Step 2 above
    • Click "Save Changes"

Configure Contacts mapping

  1. Click the "Contacts" dropdown, then choose one of the following sync options:
    • All contacts created or updated
      This sync option is the easiest way to sync all contacts created or updated from this point forward. When a new contact is created or updated, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
    • All contacts that match specific criteria
      You can use this option to sync contacts matching your set criteria, such as contacts from a specific source. If the contact matches your criteria, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
  2. If using "All contacts created and updated":
    • Click the "Edit" button
    • Click the ActiveCampaign fields you wish to sync with Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can choose as many fields as you like
    • Click the "Add" button
    • Click each dropdown under the "Dynamics" column and click the Dynamics field you wish to map to
    • Click "Save Changes"
  3. If using "All contacts that match certain criteria":
    • Select the field you wish to use to segment your contacts
    • Choose the operator
    • Enter a value for the "Value" field
    • Click the "Add" button
    • A second segmenting option will appear. You can use this if you want to narrow your criteria. If you don't want to narrow your criteria, click the trash icon
    • To select and map custom fields, follow each item listed in Step 2 above
    • Click "Save Changes"

Configure Accounts mapping

  1. Click the "Accounts" dropdown, then choose one of the following sync options:
    • All accounts created or updated
      This sync option is the easiest way to sync all accounts created or updated from this point forward. When a new account is created or updated, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
    • All accounts that match specific criteria
      You can use this option to sync accounts matching your criteria. If the account matches the criteria you set, it will be created or updated in ActiveCampaign the next time the sync runs.
  2. If using "All accounts created and updated":
    • Click the "Edit" button
    • Click the ActiveCampaign fields you wish to sync with Microsoft Dynamics 365. You can choose as many fields as you like
    • Click the "Add" button
    • Click each dropdown under the "Dynamics" column and click the Dynamics field you wish to map to
    • Click "Save Changes"
  3. If using "All accounts that match certain criteria":
    • Select the field you wish to use to segment your accounts
    • Choose the operator
    • Enter a value for the "Value" field
    • Click the "Add" button
    • A second segmenting option will appear. You can use this if you want to narrow your criteria. If you don't want to narrow your criteria, click the trash icon
    • To select and map custom fields, follow each item listed in Step 2 above
    • Click "Save Changes"

Remap standard fields to custom fields

You can remap any standard field, except email address and relationship (account) fields, to a custom field for Leads and Contacts. For example, you can map the standard Job Title field to a custom lead field in Microsoft Dynamics called “Position.” 

  1. From the Data Configuration page in ActiveCampaign, click the chevron (^) to expand the “Standard Mappings” for either Leads, Contacts, or Accounts. 
  2. Each field (except for Email and Account) will have a toggle set to the “On” position. To map one of these fields to a custom field in Microsoft Dynamics, click that toggle to set it to the “Off” position. 
  3. Click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the section. 
  4. A modal window will appear. At the top, you’ll see the standard field you can now map to a custom field. Click that field, then click “Add.”
  5. The standard field will now appear under “Custom Mappings.” Click the “Dynamics” field select the field you want to which you want to map. 
  6. Click “Save Changes” > “OK.”

The standard field is now mapped to the custom field of your choice. In addition, the standard field will appear under “Standard Mappings” with an “Off” status. If you turn the status back to “On,” your custom mapping will be undone and the standard mapping option will remain.

Set up the Opportunities sync

To sync Opportunities, they must have a relationship with a syncing contact. Once added to your ActiveCampaign account, Opportunities will be available on Contact records in the Custom Objects box. 

To sync opportunities to your ActiveCampaign account:

  1. Click the "Opportunities" toggle to set it to the "On" position.
  2. Click the first dropdown and choose the opportunities you want to sync to your account. You can choose from the following:
    • All opportunities created or updated
    • All opportunities that match certain criteria
    • Custom criteria, manually set
  3. Under "Standard Mappings," five fields will sync to your account, including Est. Revenue, Est. Close Date, Actual Revenue, and Stage. These fields are mapped for you. It is not possible to change the mapping for these fields.
  4. When finished, click "Save Changes."

Setup Step 5: Sync Settings

You can establish your sync settings once you've completed the data configuration step. This is done on the "Sync Settings" page. Click "Sync Settings" on the top navigation menu to get there.


There are three different sync settings that you can configure: Global, Initial, and Job Schedule.

Global Sync

This is turned on by default. When on, the one-time "Initial Sync" will run. To pause data from syncing to ActiveCampaign, click the toggle to set it to the "Off" position. If this setting is turned off, data cannot sync from Microsoft Dynamics 365 to ActiveCampaign.

Initial Sync

This one-time sync runs when the "Global Sync" toggle is set to "On." All contacts or leads who meet your "Data Configuration" criteria will be synced from Microsoft Dynamics to ActiveCampaign.

Job Schedule

This is where you configure recurring syncs between Microsoft Dynamics and ActiveCampaign.

To do so, click the "Job Frequency" dropdown, then click the schedule option that works best for you. You can choose from the following frequency options:

  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 8 hours
  • 12 hours
  • Once daily

The integration setup is now complete.

It is not possible to force immediate syncs with this integration. Leads and contacts will sync between platforms when the next scheduled sync runs.

Integration next steps

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