How to change your availability status for Conversations chat

ActiveCampaign plans

  Conversations is no longer available for purchase as of January 3, 2023.

A good web chat response time can make a positive impact on the customer experience. If you're an agent for Conversations, you need to be able to set expectations for when you're available or unavailable to help customers through the chat widget.

In ActiveCampaign Conversations, you can change your status to be available or unavailable based on your preferences. 

How to change your availability status for Conversations chat

To change the availability status for your agents in Conversations, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the left navigation and click on Conversations.
  2. Click on Conversations Settings.
  3. Click on Channels.
  4. Make sure that the "Enable Web Chat" toggle is flipped to "On."
  5. Click your availability preference under Display Rules from 3 options.
Choose Availability from 1 Always Visible 2 Only when and agent is online and 3 Set business hours.png

You can choose 1 of 3 options for your Display Rules:

  1. Always visible
    This means that your chat widget will always be on display on your website whether you're available or unavailable.
  2. Only when an agent is online
    This option lets you specifically choose when you're available to field chats.
  3. Set business hours
    This options lets you designate specific business hours during which you can field web chat requests.

Note: For the second and third options, you can choose to still show the chat widget on your website with an offline indicator to help set the expectation with site visitors that a response may be delayed.

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