How are forwarded Campaigns tracked?

ActiveCampaign plans

Forwarding is tracked when a user includes the %FORWARD2FRIEND% personalization tag in their campaign or automation email. If a contact clicks that link, we count that as a forward. Anything that happens after the forward is not tracked.

When a contact clicks the forward to a friend link, we'll show that in the activity stream that appears on their profile record.

You can also see the number of contacts who clicked the %FORWARD2FRIEND% link right from the Campaign report. Go to Reports > Click campaign name > Summary box to view that data.

To view a list of contacts who forwarded the email, click the Forwards line located in the Summary box.

Not Counted

Forwards are not counted if a contact forwards an email using the forward action from their email service provider.

If the campaign does not include the %FORWARD2FRIEND% tag, then forwards will not be tracked. "Not Tracked" will display in the Summary box.

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