About the ActiveCampaign Sales CRM Dashboard

ActiveCampaign plans

The Sales CRM Dashboard offers a quick glimpse into some of your most important metrics. It is the first page you see when you log into your ActiveCampaign account. In this article, you'll learn how to use this dashboard. 

Create Button

The button in the upper right corner of your dashboard lets you create the following:

  • Add a contact
  • Add a deal

News widget

This widget shows the latest news from ActiveCampaign. 

Contacts widget

The Contacts widget displays your account's total number of contacts. Use the dropdown to switch between "All" contacts and "Active" contacts. 

Contact Trend widget

The Contact Trend widget is a quick visual summary of your account's overall number of contacts over time. Clicking this widget redirects you to the Contact Trends report.

Top Contacts widget

The Top Contacts widget gives you a quick glimpse of some of the most active contacts in your account. By default, it will display contacts with the most recent interactions with your materials. 

Automations widget

Quickly visit recent automations, see their status, and check how many contacts have entered and completed an automation. Click "Create New" to build a new Automation.

My Tasks widget

This widget creates a personalized task summary for every user on your ActiveCampaign account who also has access to the Sales portion of the platform. If you would like to review a complete list of tasks, you should head to the Manage Tasks page in your account.

Pipelines widget

Use the Pipelines widget to summarize how many new deals have been entered over time. Use the dropdown to select a different time frame. Complete reporting can be found on the Deal Forecast report.

How to move, add, and remove widgets on the dashboard

To move widgets around on your dashboard, click and drag the widget to a new location. You will see gray perforated boxes appear to indicate spots where you can drag and drop the widget.

To add a widget to your dashboard, locate and click the gray tab at the bottom center of your screen. Inside this tab are widgets not currently displayed on the dashboard. Click a widget from this tab to add it to your dashboard. 

To remove a widget from your dashboard and store it inside the bottom tab, hover your mouse over the desired widget until the "X" button appears at the top right corner. Click the "X" to remove the widget. It will appear in the bottom tab.


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