February 1, 2023 - SMS: 10DLC Failure Customer Self Service
This enhancement provides users a way to see that a failure occurred with their 10DLC registration, and also allows for ‘resubmit’ if something went wrong.
February 2, 2023 - Marketing Revenue Report: Empty State
We provided an updated empty state of the marketing revenue report.
February 7, 2023 - List Exclusions Blank State Updates
We made updates to these pages to match our current stylings.
February 7, 2023 - Subscriptions by Email Blank State Update
We made updates to these pages to match our current stylings.
February 9, 2023 - New Segmentation in Goal Action
The new version of the Goal action includes:
- Consolidated UI for more streamlined configuration
- New segment builder to include Custom Object & 1-1 Email segmentation
February 9, 2023 - Free Design Service Page Update
This page has been updated with our current stylings. The submission page also now includes a CTA to “Explore More Services” that takes users to the implementation services page.
February 9, 2023 - CX Apps: Actions Description Improvements
We have made changes so that the action block now expands to support more than one line of text.
February 9, 2023 - Login Experience Enhancement
This enhancement is part of a larger effort to clean up areas of poor user experience during login/account recovery.
- Both username and emails are allowed as valid credentials.
- “Remember me” works by autofilling the username when checked.
February 9, 2023 - Forms: Empty State & Styling Update
We provided an updated empty state for Forms.
February 13, 2023 - MFA for Mobile Apps, Chrome Ext, and Outlook Add-In
Customers who enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will now be prompted to fill out the second form of authentication on our Mobile Apps, Chrome Extension, and Outlook Add-In.
February 14, 2023 - Added World Currencies & Searchable Drop-Down
We have added over 100 new currencies into our platform and updated drop-downs!
February 15, 2023 - v2 Segmentation Builder & Engine
A new segmentation builder and segmentation engine has been rolled out.
- Users can segment against Custom Objects and 1:1 emails within advanced search, campaigns, scoring, and lists.
- “New weighted search” for Tag and List selection, to prioritize “exact-matches” and “starts-with” within advanced search, campaigns, scoring, and lists.
- Additional segmentation performance improvements for campaigns and scoring.
February 21, 2023 - Persistent Task Filters
In this release, we’ve added persistent filters and column sorting in deals and task manager, the two main locations where customers interact with tasks.
February 22, 2023 - Indent/Outdent in New Email Designer
We added the ability to indent and outdent paragraphs into the new email designer.
February 22, 2023 - New Custom Social Icon
Users can now add the custom social icon, upload their own image and link out to any site they want!
February 23, 2023 - Calendar Feed: Empty State
We provided an updated empty state for our Calendar sync.
February 23, 2023 - Accounts: Empty State
We provided an updated empty state for Accounts.