How to test campaigns in an automation

ActiveCampaign plans

This article covers five ways to test your automated campaign(s).

From the "Manage Emails" option

  You can send up to 25 emails at a time when bulk testing.

  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
  2. Click the “Manage Emails” button at the top of the automation builder.
  3. A modal window will appear and list all campaigns in your automation. Select the emails you want to test with one of the following options:
    • Click the “Test all emails” button to select all the emails in the modal at once
    • Click the checkboxes on the left to select individual emails
  4. Once you have selected the email(s), click the “Test emails” button.
  5. A new modal will open. The modal header will confirm how many test emails you are sending. Type in the email address(es) you want to send the test email to. You can input up to 5 comma-separated email addresses in this field.

      The email address to which you want to send the test email must be different than the "From" email address. If it is the same email address, the test email will not send.

  6. After inputting at least one valid email address, click“Send.”
  7. A banner will pop up in the top right corner of the builder, letting you know if your test email(s) were sent.

      The banner will state the send was a success if at least one of the selected emails was sent to at least one of the inputted email addresses.

  8. Go to your email inbox to view your test emails. Make sure also to check your spam inbox.

From the "Send an email" action modal

  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
  2. Click the “Send an email” action containing the campaign you want to test.
  3. Click the "Send a test" option located on the bottom left of the modal. 
  4. Enter the test subject line and email address(es) that should receive a test. You can add up to five email addresses. 
  5. Click "Send." 
  6. Go to your email inbox to view your test email. Make sure also to check your spam inbox.

From the campaign designer

  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
  2. Click the “Send an email” action containing the campaign you want to test.
  3. A modal window will appear. Hover your mouse over the email design, then click the "Edit design" option that appears.
  4. Click the "Test email" icon on the top right of the campaign designer.
  5. A modal window will appear. Enter up to five email addresses in the "Send test to" field, then click "Send."
  6. Go to your email inbox to view your test email. Make sure also to check your spam inbox.

From the campaign preview page

  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
  2. Click the “Send an email” action containing the campaign you want to test.
  3. A modal window will appear. Hover your mouse over the email design, then click the "Edit design" option that appears.
  4. Click the "Preview" icon on the top right of the campaign designer.
  5. The page will load a preview of your campaign. Click the "Text Email" option on the top left of the page.
  6. A modal window will appear. Enter up to five email addresses in the "Send test to" field, then click "Send."
  7. Go to your email inbox to view your test email. Make sure also to check your spam inbox.

From the "Campaign Settings" modal

  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
  2. Click the “Send an email” action containing the campaign you want to test.
  3. A modal window will appear. Hover your mouse over the email design, then click the "Edit design" option that appears.
  4. Click the "Settings" icon on the top right of the campaign designer.
  5. A modal window will appear. Enter up to five email addresses in the "Send test to" field, then click "Send Test."
  6. Go to your email inbox to view your test email. Make sure also to check your spam inbox.


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