Anchor links are a powerful tool for improving campaign content navigation. They are hyperlinks that guide users to specific sections, eliminating manual scrolling. These links enhance content accessibility and user experience, helping your audience easily find information.
Take Note
- To add anchor links to a campaign, you need permission to edit campaigns
- This feature is only available with the Email Designer. It is unavailable with the Classic Designer, Text-Only, or HTML campaign types
- Anchor links are not supported in some email clients: iOS Gmail app, iOS Apple Mail, Outlook App on Andriod, Outlook App for MacOS, and AMP Emails
- The anchor link elements can be hidden from desktop or mobile
Create an anchor point
To set up an anchor link, you first need to define an anchor point within your content:
- From the Email Designer, select the item you want to anchor. This can be an image, a button, or a specific text.
- The right panel will dynamically display settings for the selected item. Scroll down to “Add an anchor link”:
- Click the toggle next to “Add an anchor link,” then type the anchor’s name into the field provided.
- Repeat these step 1-3 for each item you’d like to anchor.
Note that you can hide these elements on desktop, mobile, or both by highlighting the icons:
Add links to your anchors
Once the anchor point is established, you can create a link that points to that specific anchor. Each anchor point you’ve previously added will appear here:
Create an anchor link with text
To create an anchor link with text:
- Highlight the text with your cursor, then click the link icon in the navigation bar.
- In the right panel, click the dropdown under “Link.”
- Select the anchor link you want to use.
Create an anchor link with an image or button
To create an anchor link with an image or button:
- Click the image or button block you would like to link. This will reveal link options in the right panel.
- Click on the dropdown under “Link.”
- Select the anchor link you want to use.
Create an anchor link from the “Menu” block
To create an anchor link from a “Menu” block:
- Drag the “Menu” block into your campaign:
- Click the “Menu” block to reveal the link options in the right panel:
- In the “Link” section in the right panel, select the anchor link you want to point to from the dropdown.
4. Repeat these steps for each anchor you’d like to link.