Automation revisions allow you to roll back to a previous version of your automation after modifying it.
This is especially helpful if you made a change to your automation and but then decided you need to revert to an earlier version. This can be done in both inactive and active automations. Every change you make to your automation is saved for you as you work.
How it works
To revert back to a previous version of your automation, click on the “turn back time” icon located on the upper right side of the automation workflow builder.
A list of all previous versions of your automation will appear. In addition, each revision will include a timestamp and the avatar of the user who made that change.
As you mouse over the previous versions of your automation, you will be presented with a “Preview” button as well as text telling you what was modified and the user who modified it.
Once you click on “Preview,” a modal window will appear, showing you a snapshot of what that earlier version looks like. To revert your automation to that previous version, click the “Use This” button. This action will revert the automation back to the earlier version you selected.
What happens to contacts when you revert to a previous version of an automation?
If contacts are currently in your automation when you click on “Use This” to revert to a previous version of your automation, you'll be shown each “Wait” action that currently has contacts in it. You will be able to choose if the contact should either exit the automation or get transferred to an existing “Wait” action. You'll be able to select a “Wait” action that shows up in the revision preview. Once you select your “Wait” action and click on “Use This,” those contacts will be transferred.