How to add wait steps after emails in an automation

ActiveCampaign plans

When using the "Send Email" automation action, it's best practice to add a timed or conditional Wait action afterward. Doing so gives your contacts time to open and interact with your email. This is especially important if your automation includes more than one “Send Email” action in a row or if you’re using an “If/Else” branch or any other action dependent on a contact opening, clicking links, forwarding, or replying to that email.

Take note

If you're updating an “Active” automation, make sure to set the automation to “Inactive” first. Once you’re done editing the automation, set it back to “Active” so contacts can continue to enter your automation and proceed through your workflow

Add a "Wait" action to your automation

  1. Click Automations on the left menu.
  2. Click "Edit" for the automation you want to update.
  3. Click "Conditions and Workflow" on the right pane.
  4. Drag the "Wait" action to your automation.
  5. Configure the "Wait" action, by choosing the type of Wait you wish to use. Learn about "Wait" types and how to configure the "Wait" automation action
  6. Follow the remaining prompts to configure the "Wait" action
  7. Click “Save”

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