Deal Overview report

ActiveCampaign plans

With the Deal Overview report, you can view the performance of your sales team over time. This report will show all deals created, marked as Won, and marked as Lost by you and your Deal Owners.

Account users assigned to the Admin group and who have permission to view Deals reports can access this report. 

Access the Deal Overview report

There are two ways to access the Deal Overview report:

The first way is to click "Reports" on the left menu. Then click "Deals"> "Deal Overview."

The second way is to click "Deals" on the left menu, then click "Deal Overview."

Information in the Deal Overview report shows the following in a 1-month date range:

  • The total number of deals created, Won, and Lost across all pipelines
  • All deal owners
  • The currency you selected for your deals
  • Number of Deals Over Time chart

  • Number of Deals by Value Bracket chart

  • Deal Owner Table

  The information in this report depends on your sales team correctly marking a deal as Won or Lost. Learn how to mark a deal as Won or Lost.

How to filter the Deal Overview report data

The filtering options located at the top of the Deal Overview report provide a lot of flexibility in viewing the data contained in this report.


You can filter the information by any one or a combination of the following:

  • All Pipelines
  • Specific Pipeline
  • All Deal Owners
  • Specific Deal Owners
  • Deal Status (Open, Won, Lost)
  • Currency
  • Date Range

Dates are displayed as Year/Month/Day. The end date selected in the range includes data up until the end of the previous day. For example, if we set 2018/02/14 as the end date, it will include data up until the end of 2018/02/13.

To filter the information by any one or more of those conditions, click the filter dropdowns or click into the date field to create a new date range.

Once you apply a filter, the page will automatically return the requested information. Depending on the size of the data set, the dashboards may take a few moments to load.

It is impossible to save custom views based on your created filters.

How to read the Statistics dashboard

The Statistics Dashboard is located toward the top of your page under the report filters:


The dashboard will load values associated with Deals created, Deals Won, and Deals Lost. These values displayed are dependent upon the filters selected.

You can also view the information on this dashboard by clicking any of the radio buttons located to the left of the Statistics dashboard:

  • Total number: Will display the total number of deals created, Won, and Lost
  • Total $: Total value of the deals created, Won, and Lost
  • Avg $: Average value of the deals created, Won, and Lost

Deals Over Time chart

This chart shows each deal owner's number of deals over time. The Y-axis indicates the number of deals, and the X-axis displays each of your Deal Owners.

To customize the data displayed in the chart, use any of the following options to the left of the chart:

  • Total #: Total number of Deals per Deal Owner for the pipeline and date range selected
  • Total $: Total amount of money each Deal Owner is responsible for in the pipeline and date range selected
  • % Count: Percentage of deals each Deal Owner is responsible for in the pipeline and date range selected
  • % Value: Percentage of monetary value Deal Owner is responsible for the pipeline and date range selected

Each line in this chart has a specific color and is associated with a particular deal owner. You can hover your mouse over specific data points to view the month and value associated with the deals for that Deal Owner.

To hide a deal owner, click their name. To unhide a deal owner, click their name again:




Total Deals by Value Bracket chart

This chart shows you the number of deals within specific value ranges. The Y-axis indicates the number of deals, and the X-axis shows deal value ranges.

You can use the filters to customize the data displayed in the chart.

You can also change the information displayed in this chart by clicking any one of these options located to the left of the "Deals Over Time" chart:

  • Total #: Total number of Deals per Deal Owner for the pipeline and date range selected
  • Total $: Total amount of money each Deal Owner is responsible for in the pipeline and date range selected
  • % Count: Percentage of deals each Deal Owner is responsible for in the pipeline and date range selected
  • % Value: Percentage of monetary value Deal Owner is responsible for the pipeline and date range selected


Deal Owner table

The Deal Owners table is at the bottom of the Deal Owners Report page. It displays each Deal Owner and their associated statistics for the selected pipeline and date range:

  • Full name: Full Name of each Deal Owner
  • Deals won: Number of deals each Deal Owner marked as Won
  • Total $ won: Total value of deals that each Deal Owner marked as Won
  • Avg $ won: Average value of deals each Deal Owner marked as Won
  • Avg Time to Won: Average time it took for each Deal Owner to mark a deal they created as Won
  • Won Ratio (Count): Ratio of the count of (Won Deals / Closed Deals) owned by each Deal Owner
  • Won Ratio (Value): Ratio of the total value of (Won Deals / Closed Deals) owned by each Deal Owner
  • Share of Won Deals: Ratio of the count of (each Deal Owner's Won Deals / all Deal Owners' Won Deals)
  • Share of Won Value: Ratio of the total value of (each Deal Owner's Won Deals / all Deal Owners' Won Deals)

You can also filter this table by Deal Owner by clicking the "Owners" dropdown at the top of the report, then clicking the Deal Owner you wish to display.

To sort information in this table:

  1. Click any column header.
  2. Click the Down caret to sort information in descending order.
  3. Click the Up caret to sort information in ascending order.


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