How to see connected automations with the automation map in ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign plans

The Automations Map displays how your automations are connected at-a-glance and provides you with high-level performance statistics.

What are connected automations?

Connected automations are automations that work together to achieve a process through actions and triggers. An example of two connected automations would be the engagement tagging automations, which are available in the New Automation Recipe Modal. These two automations work hand-in-hand to tag contacts based on their level of engagement with communications.  

Specifically, automations can be connected in one or more of the following ways:

"Starts an automation" action
This action is located under "Conditions and Workflow" in the automation workflow builder. When a contact encounters this action in an automation, they will enter any automation you specify.

"End other automation" action
This action is located under "Conditions and Workflow" in the automation workflow builder. When a contact encounters this action in an automation, they will stop running through either all other automations or a single automation you specify.  If they are not in any other automation(s), they will proceed through this step.

Connections from actions and triggers
This happens when an outcome from an action in one automation triggers another automation to run.

 Note that automation triggers are available based on your plan. See a list of triggers and plan availability.

This includes:
  • Tag Added
    • Automation A has an "Add tag" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Tag is added" trigger 
  • Tag Removed
    • Automation A has a "Remove tag" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Tag is removed" trigger 
  • Goal Achieved
    • Automation A uses a "Goal" action
    • Automation B uses a "Goal is achieved" trigger
  • Contact Field Updated
    • Automation A uses an "Update contact" action 
    • Automation B uses a "Field changes" trigger  
  • Score Updates
    • Automation A uses an "Adjust score" action
    • Automation B uses a "Score changes" trigger 
  • Deal Creation
    • Automation A uses an "Add deal" action 
    • Automation B uses a "Enters pipeline" trigger 
  • Deal Stage Update
    • Automation A uses the "Update Stage" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Deal Stage Changes" trigger 
  • Deal Status Update
    • Automation A uses the "Update Status" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Deal status changes" trigger 
  • Conversion Occurs
    • Automation A uses a "Goal" action with "Trigger this conversion" selected 
    • Automation B uses a "Conversion Occurs" trigger 
  • Subscribes
    • Automation A uses a "Subscribe" action
    • Automation B uses the "Subscribes to list" trigger
  • Unsubscribes
    • Automation A uses an "Unsubscribe" action
    • Automation B uses the "Unsubscribes from list" trigger 
  • Site Messaging
    • Automation A uses the "Send a site message" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Dismisses a site message" trigger
  • Sending Email & Reading Email
    • Automation A uses a "Send email" action 
    • Automation B uses the "Opens/Reads an email" trigger
  • Sending Email & Clicking Email
    • Automation A uses a "Send email" action
    • Automation B uses the "Clicks a link in an email" trigger 
  • Sending Email & Replying Email
    • Automation A uses a "Send email" action
    • Automation B uses the "Replies to an email" trigger
  • Sending Email & Forwarding Email
    • Automation A uses a "Send email" action
    • Automation B uses the "Forwards an email" trigger
  • Sending Email & Sharing Email
    • Automation A uses a "Send email" action
    • Automation B uses the "Shares an email" trigger

Features of the Automations Map

The Automations Map includes:

  • Map page that provides a visual overview of all automations in your account (see note below)
  • Filtering options that let you filter automations by actions, triggers, status, label, last edited, highest activity, oldest created, newest created, alpha A-Z, and alpha Z-A
  • Map links that visually indicate all automations that a particular automation is connected to
  • Automation Details shelf that provides high-level statistics of the selected automation, including connections, contacts, campaigns, and goals

Note: If you have less than 100 automations, all of them will be listed on the Automations Map page.

If you have more than 100 automations, only connected automations will be displayed.  

Viewing connected automations with the Automations Map

To access the Automations Map, click "Automations" > "Automations Map" on the left menu.

The Automations Map page will load and provide a visual overview of all automations in your account; this includes both Active and Inactive automations.

Automations that are Active means that they are currently running and contacts can be added to them. They are indicated on the Map page by a green dot.

Automations that are inactive means that the automations are not running and contacts cannot enter them. They appear greyed out on the Map page and will have a red dot.

Reminder: If you have more than 100 automations, then we will only display connected automations.

To see how one automation is connected to another automation(s), click an automation from the Automations Map page.

The Map will then display the selected automation as well as other automations it's connected to.

The selected automation will be in the middle of the Map. Automations to the right are those where the selected automation starts or ends. Automations to the left start or end the selected automation.

In addition, the Automation Details shelf will appear on the righthand side. This shelf will display a high-level overview of the statistics for the selected automation, including:

  • Connections
    Will list all automations that the selected automation starts an/or ends as well as all automations that start and/or end the selected automation. Clicking any of the automations listed here will open that automation's workflow builder.  
  • Contacts
    Will show how many contacts are currently in the selected automation. Clicking the "Contacts currently in automation" link will direct to you a list of those contacts.
  • Campaigns
    Will list all campaigns included in the selected automation along with their open rates. Clicking any one of the campaigns will redirect you to its performance report.
  • Goals
    Will list all goals in the selected automation along with their completion rates. Clicking the name of the goal will redirect you to its report.

Note: If you click an automation with no connections, it will only show the selected automation and its "Automation Details" shelf.

When viewing the Automations Map, you may see different types of connections, these include:

  • Ends
    This connection is in red and uses a "No" symbol. This means that the automation on the left uses an action that ends an automation on the right.
  • Starts
    This connection is in green and uses an arrow symbol. This means that the automation on the left uses an action that starts an automation on the right.
  • Starts and stops
    This connection is in yellow and uses an arrow symbol. This means that the automation on the left uses actions that both start and stop the automation on the right.
  • Circular starts
    This connection is in green and uses a two-directional arrow. This means that the two connected automations use actions that trigger each other to run.
  • Circular stops
    This connection is in red and uses a two-directional arrow. This means that the two connected automations use actions that stop each other from running.
  • Circular starts and stops
    This connection is in yellow and uses a two-directional arrow. This means that the two connected automations both use actions that both start and stop the other automation.

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