Marketing Revenue report

ActiveCampaign plans

You can use the Marketing Revenue report to see how much of your store revenue was generated by automation emails and campaigns sent from your ActiveCampaign account. This report helps you understand how your marketing communications are contributing to overall store sales.

Marketing Revenue report explained

All revenue tracked in the Marketing Revenue report includes BigCommerce, Shopify, Square, WooCommerce, and Magento. In addition, revenue from third-party deep data ecommerce integrations is tracked in this report. 

The numbers displayed in the report consist of any orders synced into your ActiveCampaign account from any connected ecommerce store.

  • For Shopify users: Discounts used in orders attributed to the campaign will be excluded from the revenue amount shown
  • For WooCommerce and BigCommerce users: Discounts will not be excluded from the revenue amount shown

How revenue is calculated

To track revenue for purchases made in a connected ecommerce store, the following events need to happen:

  • The purchase(s) must be made within seven days after an automation email or campaign is sent
  • The purchase must be made by a contact who received your email. In addition, they must engage with your email (open and/or click a link) before making a purchase
  • The purchase must be made in a connected ecommerce store
  • Revenue attribution is associated with the most recently opened campaign
  • Orders with the following statuses are not counted toward revenue: Canceled, Refunded, Returned, Failed

Accessing and viewing the Marketing Revenue report

Click Reports on the left menu to access the Marketing Revenue report. Then click the "Marketing Revenue" option

The Marketing Revenue report will load and display the total revenue from the last seven days for your automation emails and campaigns.

In this report, you'll see the following:

  • Date range boxes

You can set a date range to view data within that time period. To set a date range for your report, click either the start or end date fields. Then, click a date in the calendar that appears.

The report will load and show data for the selected date range.

  • Currency dropdown

A currency dropdown will appear if the report data contains more than one currency. This dropdown will default to the most used currency in the report data. Only one currency can be used at a time. 

If the currency dropdown is available in your report, all data in the Marketing Revenue report will be filtered to the selected currency. Note that the totals will not convert from one currency to another. 

To select a currency, click the "Currency" dropdown and click the option you wish to use.

  • Revenue totals boxes

The report's top row contains boxes showing aggregate data for the specified date range. 

The left box shows the total amount of revenue for all connected store(s) generated during the specified date range. 

The middle box shows the total revenue generated by automation emails during the specified date range. 

The right box shows the revenue generated by campaigns during the specified date range.

  • Revenue line graphs

The line graph shows the revenue generated by automation emails, campaigns, and the connected store(s) over the specified date range. The X-axis automatically adjusts to the proper time interval (days, weeks, months, or quarters) based on how long the date range is. 

Each line on the graph has a point at each time frame interval to show the amount of revenue generated at that point by the channel represented by that line. 

The Automation Emails line is in green. A tooltip will appear when you roll over a single point on that line. The tooltip will show the day, week, month, or quarter at that point and the amount of revenue generated by automation emails as a whole.

The Campaigns line is in blue. A tooltip will appear when you roll over a single point on that line. The tooltip will show the day, week, month, or quarter at that point and the amount of revenue generated by campaigns as a whole.

The Store Revenue line is in orange. A tooltip will appear when you roll over a single point on that line. The tooltip will show the day, week, month, or quarter at that point and the amount of revenue generated by the connected store(s).

  • Top automation emails within a time period

This bar graph shows the five automation emails that generated the most revenue during the specified date range. The X-axis shows revenue, and the Y-axis shows the automation email names. The bars represent how much revenue each automation email generated during the specified date range.

To see the name of the automation email and the amount of revenue it generated, roll over a bar in the graph. 

  • Top campaigns within a time period

This bar graph shows the five campaigns that generated the most revenue during the specified date range. The X-axis shows revenue, and the Y-axis shows the campaign names. The bars represent the revenue each campaign generated during the specified date range.

To see the name, send date, and amount of revenue generated by that campaign, roll over a bar contained in that graph.

Exporting data from the Marketing Revenue report

At the top right of each graph on the report is an icon containing three dots. A "Download Data" option will appear when you click this icon. Click this option to download a CSV file of the graph data. 

Note that there isn't an option to download all data on the report simultaneously. 

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