Predictive Content report

ActiveCampaign plans

The Predictive Content report highlights the engagement each variant received in a sent campaign that used the Predictive Content feature.

Take Note

  • Predictive Content is only available on the Classic Designer
  • Data in this report will refresh daily at 5:30am CST / 11:30 UTC

How to access the Predictive Content report

To access the Predictive Content report:

  1. Click "Reports" in the left menu.
  2. Click "Campaign Reports."
  3. Click "Predictive Content."

The report will load variant performance metrics for the most recently sent campaign that included Predictive Content.

Information included in the Predictive Content report

In this section, you'll learn about the information included in the Predictive Content report. Note that you can filter this report by campaign name.

A variant that performed the "best" should not influence all variants you create in the future. That's because there is no "one-size-fits-all" or one "best" email for all contacts.

Instead, each contact who receives an email with Predictive Content will receive an email that's best for them. This "best" email will look and be different for each of your contacts. This approach creates an ultra-personalized experience for each of your customers and increases engagement with your brand.

Emails Sent by Variant
Total number of unique sends from all variants in a campaign. The accompanying chart will show the unique sends by each variant.

Unique Clicks by Variant
Total number of unique clicks from all variants in a campaign. The accompanying chart will display the unique clicks for each variant.

Click Through Rate by Variant
Total click-through rate (CTR) for all variants in a campaign. The click-through rate is the number of clicks divided by the number of unique sends. The accompanying chart will display the CTR by each variant.

A benchmark is provided for each variant in a campaign. This is calculated by looking at all individuals who received a specific variant, then adds all campaigns that were opened with all campaigns that were clicked.

Predictive Content table
The table at the bottom of the report includes the following information: Send date, Campaign Name, Variant Name, Total Sent, Total Unique Clicks, and Click-Through Rate.

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