The "Pages Form" block lets you capture information from visitors who land on your page. Once the "Pages Form" block is added to your page layout, you can adjust its width, add form fields, adjust the form theme, adjust button styles, and more.
Like other blocks, you can add, edit, duplicate, and remove a "Form" block to any page or page template.
Take note
- Available on accounts purchased on or after August 2, 2022
- The "Pages Form" block is separate and different from forms you create in the "Forms" section of your ActiveCampaign account
- The "Pages Form" block does not opt-in or add visitors to your email marketing list(s). If you wish to add contacts directly to a list and/or have them go through a double opt-in process, please see this "How to add an ActiveCampaign form to your landing page" help article
- The email address field is required on the form. It is not possible to remove this field
Tags added to contacts from the "Form" block
Once a visitor submits the form through this block, a contact record will be created for them in your ActiveCampaign account. Two tags will be applied to contacts who submit this form type:
- activecampaign-pages
- activecampaign-pages-[page name]
Add the "Pages Form" block to your layout
In this section, you'll learn how to add the "Pages Form" block to your landing page.
- From the page builder, make sure the "Blocks" tab is selected in the top right bar.
- Drag the "Pages Form" block to your layout.
You will see the email address field and "Submit" button for the "Pages Form" block in the page builder. You can now add other fields to the block and adjust how the form looks on your page.
Add fields to the "Pages Form" block
You can add the following contact fields to the "Form" block:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone
- Text area custom contact fields
- Text input custom contact fields
- Single-select dropdown custom fields
- Radio button custom contact fields
- Multi-select custom contact fields
- Checkbox custom contact fields
- Listbox custom contact fields
Note that it's not possible to create new custom fields with the "Pages Form" block. All new custom fields must be created from the "Manage Fields" page in your ActiveCampaign account. Once created, you can use them with this block.
To add fields to the block:
- From the page builder, click the "Pages Form" block in your page layout.
- The right bar will display editing options. Click the plus sign (+) next to "Form Fields."
- A modal window will open. Click the fields you wish to add to your form.
- To add a custom field, click "Custom Field" then click the custom field you wish to use.
Any field you add to this block will be marked as required by default. This means that visitors must complete all fields in order to successfully submit the form.
To make fields not required:
- Click the "Pages Form" block on the page layout.
- The right pane will load. Click the field under "Form Fields" you want to make "not required."
- Uncheck the "Required" option.
- Click the checkmark button on the top right bar to save your work.
Edit and style the "Pages Form" block
You can edit the following elements of your form:
Make the form visible on desktop, mobile, or both. -
Form width can be set by either px or %. -
Form Fields
Add fields to the form block to collect additional information from visitors. -
Form Theme
Change your form's theme here. You can choose one of the following themes: Standard (default), Flat, Underline Dark, and Underline Light. -
Button Styles
Change the color, size, and shape of your submit button. You can choose one of the following sizes: small, medium, and large. You can choose one of the following shapes: square, rounded, pill. -
Button Theme
Change the submit button's theme. You can choose from one of the following: flat, blocky, bubbly, and outlined. -
On Submit
Use this to direct landing page visitors to a page on your site that displays a thank you message or contains gated content. -
Use this to change the background for your form. You can change the color and gradient as well as add an image or video. -
Inner Spacing
Type a number into the field provided to add spacing between the form block and the section that it's in. Increasing inner spacing will make the section bigger on the page. You can choose which sides of the form will have inner spacing. -
Borders are set by px. You can choose which sides of your form will have borders. You can pick one of the following borders: solid, dashed, or dotted. Note that you can also add color to your border by using the color tile. -
Corners are set by either px or %. You can apply a new radius to one, some, or all corners of your form. -
Drop Shadow
Access drop shadows on the selected form. Here you can choose where the drop shadow should appear and set the Offset, Blur, and Spread fields. You can add as many drop shadows as you want by clicking the plus (+) sign in the Right Bar in the "Drop Shadow" section. -
Inner Shadow
Access inner shadows on the selected form. Here you can choose where the inner shadow should appear and set the Offset, Blur, and Spread fields. You can add as many inner shadows as you want by clicking the plus (+) sign in the Right Bar in the "Inner Shadow" section.
Duplicate a "Pages Form" block
You can duplicate any form on your page. To do so, click the form you wish to duplicate then click the duplicate icon on the top right bar.
Delete a "Pages Form" block
You can delete any form from a page. To do so, click the form you wish to remove then click the trash icon on the top right bar.