Get notified when contacts subscribe or unsubscribe from your list

ActiveCampaign plans

You can receive notifications when contacts subscribe or unsubscribe from your list.

Take note

We have implemented a human verification challenge when the unsubscribe link is clicked in ActiveCampaign emails to help prevent unintentional unsubscribes. Learn more about our bot click unsubscribe protection.

How it works

There are two ways you can set up these notifications:

List settings

Notifications are set up on a per-list basis and will be sent to any email address you specify. A notification email will not be sent if you manually add a contact to your list or add contacts to a list using the bulk editor.

You may want to use this option if you wish to simply receive a notification when a contact subscribes to your list, or when they click an "Unsubscribe" link in a campaign that was sent to the list they are subscribed to.


You can trigger an automation to run when a contact is added to or unsubscribed from a specific list or any list. With this option, the notification will send regardless of subscription or unsubscription method.

You may want to use this option if it kicks off a workflow that includes customer outreach, adjusting a deal or contact score, and more.

List Settings

  1. Click "Contacts" > "Lists" on the left menu.
  2. Click the down caret for the list you want to update.
  3. Click "Advanced Settings" from the list of options.
  4. A modal window will appear. Type the email address that should receive the notification into the "Send subscription notification to" field provided.
  5. To receive a notification when a contact unsubscribes from your list, type the email address that should receive the notification into the "Send unsubscribe notification to" field provided.
  6. Click the "Save" button.


  1. From the Automations Overview page, click "Create an Automation."
  2. Click "Start from Scratch" then click "Continue."
  3. Click the "Subscribes to a list" option to trigger your automation to run when a contact is added to your list. To trigger an automation to run when a contact unsubscribes, click the "Unsubscribes from a list" option instead. Then click "Continue."
  4. A modal will appear where you can configure your trigger. Use the dropdowns to specify the list you wish to receive notifications for. You can also select "Any" to receive notifications for any list.
  5. Select Runs once or Runs multiple times, then click "Add Start."
  6. The "Add New Action" modal will appear. Click the "Notify someone" option located under "Sending Options."
  7. A Compose Message modal will appear. Complete the fields provided and click "OK."
    Make sure your "To" email address is different than your "From" email address when creating this notification. If they are the same, this will prevent your notification from being received.
    If the "To" email address uses the same domain name as your "From" email address, you will need to whitelist our IP ranges to help prevent deliverability issues.
  8. When you have finished creating your automation, give it a descriptive name set it to "Active" by clicking "Active" on the top right of your automation.

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