Managing Tags with the Tag Manager

ActiveCampaign plans

The Tag Manager makes it easy to view and manage every tag in your account. With the Tag Manager, you can see which automations use a specific tag and how many contacts have that tag applied to them. In addition, the Tag Manager allows you to bulk add tags, edit tags, merge tags, and delete tags from your account.

How to access the Tag Manager

Click Contacts > Tags on the left menu.  The Manage Tags page will display a list of all tags in your account. In addition, you will see the following for each tag:

  • Tag description (if you've added one)
  • Number of contacts that have that tag
  • Tags that are used in Automations

Bulk add tags to the Tag Manager

To add multiple tags at once:

  1. Click the “Add tag” button at the top right.
  2. In the "Add tags" modal, type or paste the tags you want to add in the "Add Tag" box.
  3. Make sure that there is only one tag per line.
  4. Click "Save" button.

Learn how to add multiple tags to your account.

How to find and modify automations using a tag

You can use the tag manager to find automations that reference a tag.

Note that changes you make to a tag in the Tag Manager will be reflected in your automations.

To quickly find the automation(s) that references your tag, follow these steps:

  1. From the Manage Tags page, click the "Yes" that appears under the "Automations" column. If there is a "No" in this column, it means that there are no automations that use this tag. 
  2. A new browser tab will open that takes you to the Automations Overview, where the automations are filtered by the tag.

How to edit a tag or add a description

When you edit a tag in the Tag Manager, that change will be reflected for all contacts with that tag. The change will also be reflected in the floating segment builder and automations.

However, this change will not be reflected in link actions or conditional content that use that tag. We recommend updating link actions and conditional content that reference this tag first, then following the steps below to edit your tag.

Learn more about what automatically updates with name changes in ActiveCampaign.

To modify the tag's name or add a description:

  1. From the Tag Manager, locate the tag you want to edit.
  2. Click "Edit."
  3. A modal window will appear. Complete the fields provided.
  4. Click the "Save" button.

How to delete tags from your account

When you delete a tag from the tag manager, you can either remove that tag from all contacts or move all contacts to a different tag before deleting.

Once deleted, the selected tags will be removed from all automations and segments that reference them, which may cause them to stop working. Also, they will no longer be available in the floating segment builder.

However, the selected tags will not be removed from your link actions or conditional content. We recommend modifying your link actions and conditional content manually first, then following the steps below to delete your tag.

Learn more about what automatically updates with name changes in ActiveCampaign.

To delete a tag:

  1. From the Tag Manager, locate the tag you want to delete.
  2. Click the checkmark box to the left of the tag(s) you want to delete.
  3. Click "Delete" towards the top of your list, next to the “Merge” button. Or click the dropdown next to the “Edit” button to the right of the tag and click “Delete.”
  4. A modal window will appear. Choose to either remove this tag from all contacts who have it or move all contacts to a different tag. If choosing to move all contacts to a different tag, click into the tag field and select the new tag.
  5. Click the checkmark boxes next to the two disclaimers to agree to them.
  6. Click "Delete Tag."

The system will begin removing the tags from contacts and the Tag Manager.

How to merge tags

If you have multiple tags that serve the same purpose, you can use the Merge function in the Tag Manager to combine them.

The tag(s) selected for the merge will be removed from contacts and the Tag Manager; the tag selected in the "Merge into tag" field will then be applied to all contacts with the old tag.

All link actions and conditional content using the old tag(s) will need to be updated manually to reflect your preferred tag. We recommend modifying your link actions and conditional content that reference this tag first, then following these steps to merge your tags.

Learn more about what automatically updates with name changes in ActiveCampaign.

To merge tags:

  1. Select the redundant tag(s)from the Tag Manager and click the "Merge" button.
  2. Click the field that appears under "Merge into tag." Or click the dropdown next to the “Edit” button to the right of the tag and click “Merge.”
  3. Click the tag you wish to merge the old tag into.
  4. Click "Merge Selected Tags."
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