Custom contact field overview

ActiveCampaign plans

ActiveCampaign provides default fields for storing information about your contacts. You can also use custom fields to collect additional information important to your business.

Using custom contact fields helps you and your team better understand each contact in your account. In addition, you can include contact-specific information in your outgoing emails.

Watch a video

For an in-depth look at custom contact fields, watch this video.

Take note

You must be an admin or have permission to create and access contact custom fields.

How to create a field group

Field groups are created on the Manage Fields page in your account. Each custom field you create needs to belong to a field group.

Your account comes with one default field group: General Details. All standard deal fields are housed here. In addition, custom fields created from forms, CSV imports, and integrations will be added to the General Details field group by default.

With field groups you can:

  • Select which group a custom field should belong to when creating a field from the Manage Fields page or a deal record
  • Drag and drop a custom field from one group to another
  • Use the Bulk Actions dropdown on the Manage Fields page to delete selected fields, create a new field group from selected fields, or move the selected fields to a different field group

Note that standard deal fields cannot be moved to a custom field group. These will remain under "General Details."

Create a field group
  1. Click "Contacts" > "Fields." 
  2. Click the "Contacts" tab on the Manage Fields page.
  3. Click "Add Group."

  4. A modal window will appear. Type the name of the group into the field provided.
  5. Click the "Create" button.

The new field group will appear at the bottom of the Manage Fields page.

Update field group name
  1. Hover your mouse over the field group name.
  2. Click the edit (pencil) icon.
  3. A modal window will appear. Type the new name into the field provided.
  4. Click the "Save" button.
Delete field group
  1. Hover your mouse over the group you wish to remove.
  2. Click the trash icon.
  3. A delete confirmation modal window will appear. If you have fields in the group you are deleting, you'll be asked to move those fields to a different group.
  4. Click the "Delete" button.

How to create a custom contact field

You can create an unlimited number of custom fields and organize them by field group. These fields can be created from the Manage Fields page, any contact profile page, any inline form, and the Import Contacts page in your ActiveCampaign account.

Once a custom field is created, it will be located:

  • On the Contacts > Fields > Contacts tab
  • On all contact profile records
  • CSV file import page

In addition, you can use custom fields in the following areas:

  • In the floating segment builder
  • On the "Add a Personalization" modal for campaigns and automation emails
  • Conditional content
  • ActiveCampaign forms
  • Automation "Field changes" trigger
  • Automation "Update a contact" action
View a list of custom contact field types

Our custom contact fields feature is robust and flexible. You can create a variety of different custom field types:

  • Text input
    This is a traditional text input field that collects a short piece of data that a contact would type. You can use this to collect short, typed responses from contacts when they submit a form, for example, a name or phone number.
  • Text area
    This field type lets contacts type multiple lines of text, allowing you to collect more data from them. You can use this to collect longer typed responses from contacts when they submit a form, for example, multi-sentence answers to a question on a form, notes, etc.
  • Date
    This is used to specify a date and includes month, day, and year and can be used to collect birth dates, anniversaries, events, and more. The date field in a form uses the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. Upon form submission, the date will convert to the date format you have created in your account. If you do not wish to use this date display format, you must use a text input field to collect date information instead. In addition, if importing a CSV file, date fields should also use a YYYY-MM-DD format. Note: the Date/Time custom field type will only store and display time in 15-minute increments. If the custom field is updated via an automation or API the time would be automatically rounded up or down to the nearest interval.
  • Drop-down menu
    This uses a predefined set of options that contacts can select when submitting a form. This field type is recommended if you have ten or more options for contacts to choose from. This field will default to a "blank" option until a drop-down value is selected. This is expected and cannot be removed. If you have less than ten options, use a Radio button field instead. 
  • List box
    This field type displays a list of predefined options that contacts can choose from. Contacts will need to shift-click to choose more than one answer option for this field.
  • Radio buttons
    This custom field type functions the same as the drop-down menu field type; contacts can only choose one answer from a list of predefined answers. However, the visual representation is different.
  • Check box(es)
    This custom field type allows contacts to choose one or more answer options from a predefined list of options.
  • Hidden field
    This custom field type is a text field and is not visible to contacts. You can use this to assign pieces of information to contacts when they submit a form. Read more about hidden fields.
Create a custom contact field from the Manage Fields page
  1. Click "Contacts" > "Fields." 
  2. Click the “Contacts” tab. 
  3. Click the “Add Field” button.
  4. An "Add Field" modal will open. Type the field name into the field provided.
  5. Click the "Group" dropdown field and click the group you wish to add the new field to. 
  6. Click the "Field Type" dropdown field and click the field type you wish to create. Note that you will need to provide answer options for the dropdown menu, list box, radio buttons, and check box(es) field types.
  7. Click the "Add" button.
Create a custom contact field from a contact profile record
  1. Click "Contacts" on the left menu.
  2. Click any contact record to open it.
  3. Click the "Manage Fields" option.
  4. You will be redirected to the Manage Fields page for your Contact fields. Click the “Add Field” button.
  5. An "Add Field" modal will open. Type the field name into the field provided.
  6. Click the "Group" dropdown field and click the group you wish to add the new field to. 
  7. Click the "Field Type" dropdown field and click the field type you wish to create. Note that you will need to provide answer options for the dropdown menu, list box, radio button, and check box(es) field types.
  8. Click the "Add" button.
Create a Custom Contact Field from an Inline Form
  1. Click "Website" on the left menu.
  2. Click the "Forms" option.
  3. If you currently do not have any forms, click the "Create a form" button and create a form. If you do have a form, click the "Edit" button you want to add a custom field to.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Field" button located under the "My Fields" tab. This is located at the bottom of the form builder.

  5. A modal window will appear. Type the field name into the field provided.
  6. Click the "Group" dropdown and click the group that the field should belong to.
  7. Click the "Field Input" dropdown and click the field type. If you are creating a dropdown, list box, check box, or radio button field, you will need to provide answer options here.
  8. Click the "Add" button when finished.
Create a custom contact field from the Import contacts page

When you import contacts from a CSV file, you can create new custom contact fields right from the import page.

  1. Follow the steps to import your contacts from a CSV file.
  2. When mapping CSV columns with fields, you can create a new field by clicking the "Map into field" dropdown > "[Add New Field]."

Any new custom contact field you create from the CSV file import page will be added to the General Details field group by default. To change the group for this field, navigate to the Manage Fields page and drag it to a different group.

Update a custom contact field value

Custom contact field values can be updated in the following ways:

Edit or delete a custom contact field

You can edit and delete a custom field at any time. These actions are completed on the Manage Fields page.

Edit a custom field

Editing options available for custom fields include:

  • Field name
  • Personalization tag (used in outgoing emails to show field information specific to the contact)
  • Group
  • Answer options (list box, dropdown, checkbox, radio button field types)
  • Default value (will appear in outgoing emails if a contact does not have a value for the field)
  • Unchecking the "Visible on forms" option. This means that you will not be able to use that specific field on any inline forms you create
  • Making the field available to specific lists. By default, all fields are available to all lists. If you do not want a field to be used with a list, click "Advanced Options then uncheck the list assignment for the field. Only contacts in the checked list(s) will have that field on their contact profile page. This is also helpful if you only want to display specific fields in your notifications

  You cannot edit a field type once the field is created. To update a field type, you will have to create a new custom field with the correct type.

Learn how to edit a custom contact field.

Delete a custom field

You can delete custom contact fields from the Manage Fields page in your account. Default fields, such as First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone cannot be deleted.

Note that deleting a field will delete any data contained in the fields from your contacts. Also, if the field is used within automations or campaigns, it will be removed. The fields and any data will be permanently deleted and cannot be undone.

Learn how to delete a custom contact field.

Personalization tags

Personalization tags are used to insert contact-, account-, or deal-specific information into communications.

These tags are automatically generated for all standard deal fields and all custom deal fields you create.


To locate these tags:

  1. Click "Contacts" > "Fields" on the left menu.
  2. Click the "Deals" tab

Using custom contact fields

Custom contact fields can be used for more than just storing contact data. For example, you can use these fields to:

  • Trigger automations
    Trigger an automation to run based on a date-based field or when the value of a field changes.
  • Use custom contact fields in the segment builder
    All custom contact fields you create will be available in the segment builder. You can use this condition to create segments, “If/Else” forks in automations, set up “Split test” automations, update a deal or contact score, create Goal actions in automations, and more.
  • Collect information from contacts (inline forms only)
    Use custom fields to collect additional information from contacts when they submit a form.
  • Personalize communications
    Increase engagement with your campaigns and automation emails with personalization tags. When a personalization tag is used in a campaign or automation email, the value of that tag will automatically be inserted once the communication is sent to a contact. When the contact opens the communication, they will see the value for that tag and not the tag itself.
  • Use contact fields with conditional content
    Select which content block contacts should see in an automation email or email campaign with conditional content.

  This help article contains information to help you prepare for GDPR. See Article 12, Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject.

Learn more about the GDPR.

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