After you create a custom deal field, you can use the CRM “Update Field” automation action to add or update the value of multiple fields for a deal in your pipeline.
For example, let's say you're capturing the geographic region for a contact on their contact profile page, but wish to also store this information in a custom deal field on their deal record. You can use this automation action to copy the value from the custom contact field into their custom deal field.
Take Note
If adding this action to an “Active” automation:
- As a best practice, the automation should be set to “Inactive” before you edit it. You can always set it back to “Active” when finished
- If a contact has already completed this automation, or if their position is below this automation action, they will not go through this action
- There is a limit of five fields per action
- If selecting the “Copy data from an existing Contact field” option, you can only update your deal field with a contact field of the same field type
Adding the CRM “Update Field” action to your automation
Add this action to your automation:
- Click "Automations" then "Edit" for the automation you wish to update.
- Click “CRM” on the right menu.
- Drag the “Update a custom field” action to your automation.
Configuring the CRM “Update a custom field” action
When you drag the "Update a custom field" action to your automation, a modal window will appear. Here is where you can configure the action.
The CRM "Update a custom field" action has the following main components:
- Deal Field to Update
- Add a Field (up to five)
- Affects
- Pipeline
You'll need to provide information or direction for each component in order to correctly configure this automation action.
Deal Field to Update
Here you’ll choose which custom deal field to update and how the field should be updated via an action.
To select which custom deal field you would like to update, click the dropdown located at the top of the modal window within the blue box and click the field to select it.
Next, you'll need to decide what action you would like to use to update the field. There are four available actions depending on what custom deal field type you are working with:
Enter a new value
With this option, you can select or type the field value directly into the field provided. -
Copy data from an existing Contact field
With this option, you can click the dropdown and choose which contact field you wish to copy the value from. For example, let's say you're collecting geographic information, such as a zip code, in a custom contact field. You can create a zip code custom deal field, then use this configuration option to copy the value in the "Zip Code" custom contact field and add it to your "Zip Code" custom deal field.
You can only update fields of the same field type when selecting the “Copy data from an existing Contact field” option.
Use Contact’s current date (date-based fields only)
Selecting this option will update the date-based custom deal field with the current date (the same date that the contact encountered this action in your automation). -
Clear existing value
Selecting this option will remove the value for the selected custom deal field.
Note: Not all actions are available for each custom deal field type.
Below are the available custom deal field types and the possible actions for each:
Field Type |
Available Action |
Forecasted Close Date |
Text Input |
Text Area |
Money |
Date |
Date Time |
Drop-down menu |
List Box |
Radio Buttons |
Check box(es) |
Hidden field |
Number |
Add a field
You can update up to five additional fields in this step. To do so, click the “Add a field” option and repeat “Step 1: Deal field to update” above for each item.
Note, if you have more than five fields to update, you need to create another “Update Custom Field Action.”
Here, you'll choose which deal(s) will be updated with the custom deal field value by clicking any of the options in the dropdown.
You can choose from the following:
Triggered Deal
This will update the custom field for the deal that triggered the automation. This option is available if you’re using the Enters a pipeline, Deal stage changes, or Deal status changes trigger, the deal associated with that trigger will be updated with the contact field value. -
Most recent deal for this contact
This will update the custom field for the newest deal created for the contact. -
Most recently updated deal for this contact
This will update the custom field for the most recently updated deal for the contact. -
All deals for this contact
This will update the custom field for all deals associated with the contact. This includes deals that are open, closed won, or closed lost. -
All open deals for this contact
This will update the custom deal field for all deals with an “Open” status for this contact. -
All won deals for this contact
This will update the custom deal field for all deals with a “Won” status for this contact. -
All lost deals for this contact
This will update the custom deal field for all deals that are marked as “Lost” for this contact.
Here you'll decide which pipeline the deal needs to be in so that the custom deal field can be updated. You can click “Any Pipeline" or you can choose a specific pipeline by clicking the “Pipeline” dropdown. When you're done configuring this action, click the "Save" button.
Learn more about custom deal fields and how to use them to manage your deals.