ActiveCampaign Mobile app overview

ActiveCampaign plans

The ActiveCampaign mobile app makes it easy for you to view and manage contact information, reach out to contacts, stay on top of your tasks, and keep your deals moving while you're on the go.

Take note

View and manage tasks

With the ActiveCampaign mobile app, you can view and manage tasks assigned to you. This includes Contact tasks and Deal tasks. Contact tasks will have a person icon, while Deal tasks will show a dollar sign.

You can also view Task Outcomes for Deal Tasks. Note that you will need to enable and configure tasks outcomes to view this information.

To access the Tasks section, tap "Tasks" on the bottom of the screen.

From the Tasks screen, you can:

  • View overdue and upcoming tasks assigned to you
  • Edit tasks assigned to you by tapping the task then tapping the pencil icon
  • Mark tasks as complete by tapping the checkbox next to the task
  • Create new contact and/or deal tasks by tapping the plus symbol then completing the fields
  • Email or call the contact associated with the task by tapping the task then tapping either the email or phone icon
  • iOS only - Filter your view by task type by tapping "Refine" then tapping the task type you wish to view
  • iOS only - Sort tasks by time due or highest deal value by tapping "Refine" then tapping the sort by option that works best you


View and manage deals

Using the ActiveCampaign CRM app makes it easy to manage deals and reach out to your leads when you're on the go. By default, we'll display deals assigned to you. However, you can also view deals assigned to other deal owners.

To access the Deals section of the mobile app, tap "Deals" at the bottom of the screen.

From the Deals screen, you can:

  • View and manage deals assigned to you
  • View deals in different pipelines by tapping the pipeline name at the top of the Deals screen and tapping the pipeline you wish to view
  • Search for a specific deal by tapping the search field and typing the title of the deal you wish to view
  • Create new deals by tapping the plus symbol at the top of the screen and completing the fields on the Create Deal screen
  • Filter your view by deal status (All, Open, Won, or Lost) by tapping "Refine" then tapping "Deal Status"
  • View deals assigned to another deal owner by tapping "Refine" then tapping "Deal Owner"
  • Sort deals by most recently created or by highest deal value by tapping "Refine" then tapping either "Most Recently Created" or "Deal Owner"
  • View deal files by tapping on the available deal file. Learn how to attach deal files to a deal record. Note that this feature is currently view only


Push notifications

If a deal is assigned to you, you will receive a push notification. Tapping the notification will direct you to the Deal profile where you can view its details.

iOS users: You will be prompted with an advertisement introducing push notifications. From here, you can opt-in to receive these notifications.

Android users: You will automatically receive these notifications.

View and manage contacts

You can view and manage all contacts in your account from the Contacts section in the mobile app. To access Contacts section, tap "Contacts" at the bottom of the screen.

The Contacts section will display a search bar. If you have not performed any recent searches, you'll see the number of contacts in your account. If you have performed recent searches, we'll display those contacts on the screen.


From the Contacts screen, you can:

  • Create a new contact by scanning a business card
  • View and edit a contact's profile record by searching for the contact by name and tapping the suggested search result
  • View and manage tasks for the contact by tapping the checkmark icon from the contact's profile page in the app
  • Create tasks for the contact by tapping the checkmark icon from the contact's profile page in the app then tapping the green plus sign at the bottom of the screen
  • View and manage deals for the contact by tapping the dollar sign located on the contact's profile page in the app
  • Create deals for the contact by tapping the dollar sign located on the contact's profile page in the app then tapping the green plus sign at the bottom of the screen
  • View notes and 1:1 emails for the contact by tapping the note icon located on the top of the contact's profile page in the app
  • Create notes and 1:1 emails by tapping the note icon located on the top of the contact's profile page then tapping the green plus sign


View and manage accounts

You can view and manage all account details from the Contacts section in the ActiveCampaign mobile app. To access this section, tap "Contacts" at the bottom of the screen.

The Contacts section will display a search bar. If you have not performed any recent searches, you'll see the number of contacts in your account. If you have performed recent searches, we'll display those contacts and/or accounts on the screen.


From the Contacts screen, you can:

  • View and edit an account record by searching for the account and tapping the suggested search result
  • Edit account details by tapping "Edit" on the top of the account screen
  • View a list of contacts associated with the account under Details > Contacts on the account details screen
  • Communicate with a contact via email, SMS, or phone by tapping the respective icon next to the contact's name. You can send SMS from your own device OR using WhatsApp.
  • View a contact's profile record by tapping the right caret
  • Create a note for an account by tapping "Add a Note"
  • View notes associated with the account by tapping "Notes"


View campaign reporting details

If you have permission to access campaign reports, you can view performance metrics, campaign configurations, campaign activity stream, and email previews for all sent campaigns. This information will be located on the Campaigns screen in the mobile app.

Once you tap the Campaigns icon in the app, you'll see the following overview for all sent campaigns:

  • Campaign name
  • Last send date and time
  • Number of contacts it was sent to
  • % Opens
  • % Clicks
  • % Unsubscribes
  • Campaign type (One time, Auto responder, Split test, Automated, RSS, Date based)


Tapping on any campaign will bring you to a new screen where you can view the following details:

  • Campaign name
  • Automation name (if the campaign was part of an automation)
  • Last sent date and time
  • List(s) that the campaign was sent to
  • Segment name(s)
  • Number of contacts the campaign was sent to
  • Unique opens and open rate
  • Unique clicks and click rate
  • Number of unsubscribes and unsubscribe rate
  • Number of forwards
  • Number of replies
  • Bounce totals and rates, including total, hard and soft
  • Revenue generated (if using an ActiveCampaign ecommerce integration)
  • Link performance, including unique clicks, click rate, clicks to open rate, and performance
  • metrics broken down by link
  • Subject line
  • Preheader text
  • From name and email
  • Ability to view metrics for split test messages

To find some of these deeper insights into your campaigns, such as how many times each campaign recipient opened your email or the total number of unique clicks, you can view the Campaign Activity Stream.

To see this:

  1. Click on a campaign.
  2. Click on your desired metric, such as "Opens."
  3. Make sure that "Activity" is selected at the top of the screen. From here you can scroll through the activity stream of specific metrics.


Here are some metrics where you can see the Campaign Activity Stream:

  • Opens has Unique and Total (count and rate) + Activity Stream
  • Clicks has Unique and Total (count and rate) + Activity Stream
  • Unsubscribes has Total count + Activity Stream
  • Forwards has Total count + Activity Stream
  • Bounces has Total, Hard, and Soft (count and rate) + Activity Stream

Resend campaigns from your mobile device

You can use the mobile app to resend campaigns to new contacts or contacts who did not open the previous send. This functionality is located within the Campaign screen of the mobile app.

  • You must have permission to send campaigns in order to use this feature of the mobile app
  • You cannot resend date-based campaigns, cannot resend when it is going to resend to 0 contacts, cannot resend automation campaigns, split tests that do not have a determined winner, and cannot resend if pending approval or preparing to send or sending

To resend a campaign from your mobile device:

  1. Tap the "Campaigns" icon in the mobile app.
  2. Tap the campaign you wish to resend.
  3. Tap the vertical ellipsis on the top right of the screen.
  4. Tap the "Resend Campaign" option.
  5. On the next screen, we'll share best practices and tips to keep in mind when resending a campaign. Tap the "Continue" button.
  6. Next, you'll need to choose who should receive the resend - new contacts or contacts who did not open the previous send. Tap the option you wish to use.
  7. On the next screen, you can provide an updated campaign name and subject line. To update either one of these items, tap them then type the new information into the fields provided.
  8. When finished, tap the "Resend Campaign" button.

Settings screen

The Settings screen in the mobile app will display your name, email address, phone number, and ActiveCampaign account URL. We'll also provide links to our Feedback form, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and an option to contact our Customer Experience Team.

You will be able to edit the following by tapping "Edit":

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number


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