Add columns to your ActiveCampaign page

ActiveCampaign plans

You can add columns to any landing page you create in ActiveCampaign with the "Column" block. Like other blocks, you can add, edit, duplicate, and remove a "Column" block from any page or page template.

About the "Column" block

The "Column" block is located in the right pane of the page editor.

Note that you cannot add the following blocks to a column:

There is no limit to the number of columns that can be added to a page.

Add a column to your page

To add a column to your page layout:

1. Drag the "Column" block to your page layout. 

2. Click the block in the layout to open styling and editing options in the right pane.

Style and edit the "Column" block

The "Column" block has the following style and edit options:

Column width can be set by either px or %.

You can add the following to a background: Color, Gradient, Image, and Video. Add as many backgrounds to your column as you like. Backgrounds stack in the order in which you add them. You can change their order by dragging and dropping them.

Inner Spacing
Type a number into the field provided to add spacing between the blocks you add into the column and the column border. Increasing inner spacing will make your column bigger on the page. You can choose which sides have inner spacing.

Borders can be set using pixels. You can choose which sides have borders. To do so, click the side of the border icon in the right bar you wish to apply a border to. You can pick one of three types of borders: solid (default), dashed, or dotted. Note that you can also add color to borders. To do so, click the color thumbnail then click the color you wish to apply to the border.

Corners are set by either px or %. You can apply a new radius to one, some, or all corners of your column.

Drop Shadow
Access drop shadows on the selected column. Here you can choose where the drop shadow should appear and set the Offset, Blur, and Spread fields. You can add as many drop shadows as you want by clicking the plus (+) sign in the Right Bar in the "Drop Shadow" section.  

Inner Shadow
Access inner shadows on the selected column. Here you can choose where the inner shadow should appear and set the Offset, Blur, and Spread fields. You can add as many inner shadows as you want by clicking the plus (+) sign in the Right Bar in the "Inner Shadow" section.  

Duplicate a column

You can duplicate any column on your page. To do so, click the column you wish to duplicate then click the duplicate icon in the top right bar.

Delete a column

You can delete any column from a page. To do so, click the column you wish to remove then click the trash icon in the top right bar.

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