- About the Job Title field
- Are contacts collected at trade shows considered opt-ins?
- Are name changes automatically reflected in all parts of the platform?
- Can I add, edit, or remove a picture for a contact?
- Can I hide empty contact fields?
- Can I see which contacts have not interacted an email within a specific time frame?
- Contact not receiving emails but appears to be subscribed (Exclusion List)
- Do I need to have an email address for all contacts?
- Do unsubscribed, unconfirmed, or bounced contacts count against my contact limit?
- During a CSV import to a list, will checking "update existing contacts" and "import as active" add contacts as active to the list?
- Filtered contact amounts are not matching the total contact number in the Contact overview page
- How can I avoid sending campaigns to a contact who no longer wants to receive emails from me?
- How can I capture a contact's mailing address?
- How can I find contacts that were sent a campaign?
- How can I pull an average open rate per list?
- How can I see when a tag was added to a contact?
- How can I see which contacts are not engaged with my campaigns?
- How can I tell which contact clicked an unsubscribe link?
- How can I use tags to keep my contacts organized?
- How do I apply tags to groups of contacts at once?
- How do I change "To" and "From" in direct 1:1 emails?
- How do I create a segment using "has forwarded" data?
- How do I find contacts located in the EU?
- How do I import contacts with multiple tags?
- How do I import contacts with multiple values for a contact field?
- How do I insert the value of one contact field into another contact field?
- How do I merge lists?
- How do I opt-in contacts I have collected offline?
- How do I opt-in my old customer or member list?
- How do I save my spreadsheet as a CSV file?